Jan 01, 2011 22:45

Yep, it's a new year.

So I've been thinking about a lot of things.

I know... I know I threw a really big dumb fit before. Whining and crying about how hard stuff was, being alone, and how bad I felt about what I did. That... that I killed somebody, because I was angry with how he hurt and killed people I care about.

I thought about it for a long time. I dunno, I didn't really have any other choice but t'think. Fer me, I was sittin' in prison for a few years, so there ya have it.

Anyway, Batman told me something. That I needed t'give back to the city. An' I do think he's right, but on a bigger scale for me, I was tryin' pretty hard to think about what everyone else would do. What would Prowl do, what would Ratchet do, what would Batman do, what would Aya do, what would Blitzwing do -- but I guess I gotta figure out.

What would I do? I gotta find my own style. Even if it's daring to be stupid, I want somethin' that's gonna be me!

Yeah, so...

Police department people? I'd like t'join an' help out with law stuff. I can't be a lawyer or nothin', but I think I got to be pretty good at fighting. Is that okay?

† wreck-gar

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