Sep 27, 2005 02:10
So i've mastered the terrifying art of sleep driving
I hate waking up early for stuff, especially when i'm used to getting up luxuriously late. so when School time came 'round the bend, I said 'fukkit, i'll stay up all night and play Devil Dice and listen to smooth smooth indy rock" and I gotta say I honestly don't regret it. God damn those dice.
So when I eventually got to school I was running on Mocha power pretty much exclusively. I figured I'd go home and take a nap before work. so I turn on the history channel and allowed softly crooning angels to whisk me away on their gossimer wings of sleepy-by, rousing every ten minutes or so to check the clock. Then, all of a sudden, i'm driving down 8th street, and I have no fucking clue what is going on. If I really think back I have muddy memories of getting up and getting in the car, but they are memories exactly like trying to remember a dream. when I "woke up" I had no idea where I was going and really had to give it some extra gusto to realize I was ten minutes late for work and not wearing my uniform, which I had to turn around and retrieve.
the moral of the story is Sleep deprivation is awesome and sexy, and I recommend it without reservation. I'll sleep when i'm DEAD.