haven't been able to post for a couple days, visting relatives will do that to a person, luckily i did get a chance to read a couple fics:
Appropriate Danger by flinchflower
http://flinchflower.livejournal.com/118026.html?#cutid1 and
What We Wield
http://flinchflower.livejournal.com/118314.html?#cutid1 I'm totally fangirling her cause I'm just loving everything she writes, there's so much emotion tied into every word, her fics kill me but in that good way, were I'm enjoying it.
Birthday Boy by phantisma
http://phantisma.livejournal.com/95273.html?#cutid1 Good Lord Almighty! Read this entire series- twice (okay maybe six times..) it's so horribly delicious, I have three words for you-Call Jeff Daddy! I'm totally spastic over it, and drooling like crazy when I'm not changing my panties in between fics.
It's obvious I have a spanking kink, the next fic doesn't involve any but it's still wonderfully good-imagine Jensen as Han Solo.
Now stop touching yourself and go read about a Jensenesque HanSolosih fic.
In A Brand New West by moveablehistory
http://community.livejournal.com/thistogether/11425.html more to come <3