locked to adm_chris_pike  -- Blood Fever

Apr 02, 2010 01:26

It was starting; his blood was boiling with the fever. At the moment it was manageable but soon he would be in Plak Tow. Spock had two options open to him, he could go through with the meditation that some say cures Pon Farr but he would die if it did not work. Option B was to inform Christopher and take him fully as his mate.

At the moment he was in bed, even in the middle of the afternoon he was in bed, attempting to cover himself fully with the blankets as his body shivered even in the hot air. A few slaves had knocked but he would not answer as he twisted and turned in bed. At the fifth hour of the afternoon he knew Christopher would be walking in to see him for dinner. Until then he was stay in bed.

adm_chris_pike, red sands verse

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