And My Entry for the Annual Fuckwittery Award Goes To...

Dec 10, 2011 14:52

Kemore East High School, who thinks a chant using the word "nigger" is great for school spirit.  I'm glad Tyra Batts fought back.  She did everything right, from trying to reason with her teammates to talking to to the adults in charge and they dropped the ball (no pun intended).  I'm glad her parents got involved and made a noise.  Too many times parents think they're powerless to stop what is basically bullying.

However it doesn't surprise me that her suspension for fighting is worse than those who brought about the situation in the first place.  Study after study indicates that black and brown students are far more likely to be punished/suspended harsher than their white peers for the same offenses.

Seriously, there are times that whole non-violence thing is wasted on neanderthals who only understand having their asses kicked:

Before it comes out of anyone's mouth, NOT EVERY BLACK PERSON USES THE WORD NIGGER.  Most of us hate it and there's an ongoing debate in the black community about it.  But oif all you know about black folks is what you see on a rap video, then you're pretty fucking hopeless anyway.  By the way, it might be just a "word" for some people, but for myself, it's the last word 14 year-old Emmitt Till heard before two white men murdered him.  It's the last word thousands of black men, women and children heard while the rope was placed around their necks, so NO, it's not just a "word".

Post-racial my ass!

the n word, racism, fuckwittery

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