I just felt the serious need to re-post this:
http://www.racialicious.com/2011/10/18/fandom-and-its-hatred-of-black-women-characters/ This is one of the huge reasons I stay far away from most fandoms. There is so much epic RaceFail going on and when the offenders get called out on it, they whine about not being "racist" (as if the only real racists wear sheets or have swastikas tattooed on their bodies), or they make it seem as if PoC's are the ones who are racist.
The older I get, the less tolerant I am of stupidity. As a woman of color, my purpose is NOT to educate people on racial sensitivity. Use the power of the internet to educate YOURSELF. And when you make idiotic or racist statements, at least have the guts to own up to them, then sit down and shut up when others explain WHY YOU ARE WRONG. Then APOLOGIZE. That's what evolving HUMANS do.