Jul 18, 2004 23:52
. Slept in your bed: well...I'm hoping it was me..
. Saw you cry: my mom
. Made you cry: can't remember, actually. either my mom or BillyBob
. Spent the night at your house: either Michelle or Matt
. You shared a drink with: Rachel, if by "drink" you mean "liquid beverage"
. You went to the movies with: Ashley, Emily, Dylan, and Michelle
. You went to the mall with: Mall? What mall?
. Yelled at you: my brother
. Sent you an e-mail: my sister
. Said they were going to kill you: probably a member of the DTG, those words are exchanged a lot
. Said “I love you” and meant it? no, I just thought I did when I said it
. Gotten in a fight w/ your dog/cat/bird/fish,etc.? Sadly, yes
. Been to New York? yep
. Been to Florida? for like...an hour and a half
. California? supposedly
. Hawaii? No
. Mexico? Yes
. China? No
. Canada? yep, and it's sooooooo much better there.
. Danced naked? no...really...I promise...
. Dreamed something really crazy and then it happened the next day? I don't think so
. Gotten a really bad feeling about something then it happened? oh yeah, all the time
. Wished you were the opposite sex? only for a few days a month :)
. Had an imaginary friend? I had an imaginary pet monkey, but Drew killed it.
. Red or blue? Red
. Spring or fall? Spring
. Santa or Rudolph? Rudolph, I don't like the idea of a fat old guy breaking into my house.
. Math or English? holy crap english, math is my worst fear
. What are you going to do after you finish this survey? watch a movie, shower and go to bed. Yes, shower at like 2 in the morning.
. What was the last food you ate? CHEESY POOFS!
. Are you bored? that's the story of my life, yo
. Last movie you saw in theaters? Shrek 2
. Last noise you heard? HA! The typing of the keyboard, you tricksy surveyer!
. Last time you went out of the state: Legally? September
Do you have a crush on someone? I don't know
. Do they know? I would imagine so.
. What's his/her name? I don't even know if I like them, you REALLY think I'm going to shout out the name?
. What do you think of ouija boards? Fun when combined with alcohol and pot!
. What book are you reading now? The Vampire Lestat by Anne Rice
. What's on your mouse pad? clouds and a little house.
. Favourite board game? Monopoly
. Favourite magazine? Rolling Stone
. Worst feeling in the world? being unwanted
. What is the first thing you think when you wake in the morning? Who said I THINK in the morning?
. How many rings before you answer? whenever I get to the phone, I guess...
. Future daughter's name? Nonexistent Little Bitch
. Future son's name? Nonexistent Little Asshole
. Chocolate or vanilla? chocolate
. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? no.....
. If you could have any job you wanted, what would it be? entertainment reporter for Rolling Stone Magazine
. Are you a lefty, righty or ambidextrous? righty
. Do you type with your fingers on the right keys? I think so..
. What's under your bed? wood, considering I have a waterbed
. Hair Colour: that's debatable
. Eye Colour: blue
. Height Currently: 5'4"
. Glasses/contacts: glasses that I don't wear (note to those that drive with me)
. Current Age: 16
. Siblings: Allen, Josh, Eric, Renee, and two or three other chicks I don't know
. Siblings Age: 19, 14, 30-something, 30-something, and I haven't a clue
. Location: Heaven..aka Mtn. Home, AR. Hell's way too good to be Mtn. Home.
. College Plans: um...pass?
. Any Piercings: I heal too fast to have piercings...won't stop me from trying, though!
. Best Friends: Michelle, Rachel, Emily, Ashley, Dylan, Satan
. Boyfriend/Girlfriend: I hate being single.
. Hobbies: writing, dancing, taking pictures, anything (and I do mean ANYTHING..heheheheh) involving duct tape
. What Type Automobile Do You Drive: 89 Pontiac Grand Prix...the Ductobile
. Are You Timely Or Always Late: usually early
. Do You Have A Job: no :( however, I stand by the idea that KFC sucks
. Do You Like Being Around People: most of the time, sometimes you just gotta be alone you know?
. Have you ever loved someone you had no chance with: I've LIKED people I had no chance with, never loved though. that's just silly.
. Have You Ever Cried Over Something Someone of The Opposite Sex Did: who hasn't?
. Do You Have A "Type" Of Person You Always Go After: I don't know, I don't catergorize my boys....ask my friends that question.
. Ever Liked a close Guy/Girl Friend: several
. Are You Lonely Right Now: yeah unfortunately
. Ever Afraid You'll Never Get Married: once or twice for about 5 seconds
. Do You Want To Get Married: I think so, yeah
. Do You Want Kids: hell no, I'd be a terrible mother.
. Room In house: my room, or the family room
. Type of music: I like everything, but I suppose mostly metal and whiny emorock
. Song: Static X - So (at the moment)
. Memory: hehehe....okay, just kidding, there are too many to choose from! it's a three-way tie between singing in the Harp's parking lot with Emily, that one night with Michelle, Ricky and Jon, and the Calico System show in January. Ah, things were so simple then.
. Day Of The Week: Friday
. Perfume Or Cologne: ADIDAS, or anything fruity
. Flower: Calla lily's and roses
. Season: Summer
. Location for dates: somewhere outside in nature at night.
. Cried: No
. Bought Something: a Dr. Pepper can...
. Gotten Sick: yeah
. Sang: dude, I've been singing for the last 48 hours
. Said I Love You: multiple times
. Wanted To Tell Someone You Loved them, But Didn't: um...kinda
. Met Someone New: mmmmmm....nope
. Moved On: No
. Talked To Someone:Yes, go me!
. Had A Serious Talk: yes, about the difference between driving and walking
. Missed Someone: terribly :(
. Hugged Someone:of course, what's life without hugs?
. Kissed Someone: sadly no
. Fought With Your Parents: No, but then again I haven't been home
. Dreamed About Someone You Can't Be With: nope
. Had a lot of sleep: like...14 hours lol
. Wanted This Survey To Be Over: Not really, I don't care