post: progression + textures: 20

Dec 30, 2011 19:27

The whedonland big bang: where I used icon textures briefly before abandoning them again for no reason. Negative space galore.

Big text, glow, and light blobs. Pretty sure this is when I discovered letsey_x and also started making tumblr graphics in the same style.

Cropping from tumblr and then adding light blobs, hooray! Also, wings. Wings are fun.

I was really prolific but didn't make any icons as icons, only from larger pieces. Hence tons of really busy cropped graphics.

Awkwardly trying to find a middle ground between cropping from tumblr graphics and making icons how icons are "supposed" to be made.

Figuring out how to use textures on icons. Lots and lots and lots of bright colors. I was so happy with myself at this point because I figured out how textures worked.

Sort of coming into my own style I guess. I really like a lot of these, I was expirimenting and it was fun.

Learning how to use textures as coloring devices in addition to composition. Also, I discovered light textures.

Applied to 20inspirations and did the epitome round and it was wonderful! I put actual thought into icons! Ahh!

Yay for grungy textures and playing with lighting! And that 20insp round that felt sort of weird and disconnected from the rest of what I was doing, idk.

Messing a lot with composition. Brushes and blending mostly, different techniques. Weirdo stuff that I love.

Three totally different 20 icon rounds this month, and I'm proud of all of them. There are so many techniques in these rounds that I want to do more of, it's crazy!

This is something I've been wanting to do, and I ended up spending an entire final doodling in my tiny sketchbook. These are miscellaneous and not thought out in any way, but there are squiggles and shapes and lyrics and wings and a couple of TARDIS sketches. I'll do more like this eventually with more detailed stuff. If you have any requests of any kind for subjects/lyrics/designs, hit me up!
download here

Happy New Year, everyone!
Hopefully you have a fantastic year for iconning and everything else.

(Also, as soon as I get computer issues completely sorted out, I'm going to do those requests, so pleeeease link me caps if you haven't already! I commented to remind people but there are still a few missing.)

!textures, !progression

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