Jan 27, 2007 22:56

[please note, these rant contains disturbing and fucked up video links, you have been warned]

Seriously. We as a species are so fucked. We are such fuck faces, we have no compassion, we don't care about the poor schlub, just use up some asshole and then leave him.

Christ, what is it about crush videos we like so much? Hey everyone, let's go watch someone get seriously injured/killed, and then LAUGH at it. HAHA! get it!? someone is seriously hurt now! HAHA! LET'S FUCKING IGNORE THE FACT THAT WE WOULD HATE TO BE THE ONE DEAD, OR BE PARALYZED, OR SPEND YEARS IN REHAB, OR LOSE A FAMILY MEMBER IN A "FUNNY" INCIDENT! HAHA! ITS FUNNY!!!

On some video sharing website: "A sweet 3 minute extreme car crash compilation" Car crashes? Oh yeah, those are HILARIOUS! specially when your life is ruined by them! THE MORE BODIES THE BETTER!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bkz1SYNR8gU oh yeah. That's great! Would anyone here have liked to have been the guy slamed against the side of a truck? more than that, had it happened to you, would you have liked to been FUCKING laughed at?! Here are some comments:

"lol commentator"

"nice ;p"

BUT no! it gets FUNNIER!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oxX7B_SetAk TADA! This time, its not serious injury, but DEATH! We're watching someone die! HAHA! WHAT FUN!!! How totally NOT COMPLETELY DEPRAVED!!! YAY! Let's all laugh, cause hey, its not us! Let's not think about all the friends and family of that person who is now dead, who will never see that person again! NO! let's LAUGH!!!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7tAOn8tNzR0 In this, people SCREAM IN PAIN AND ROLL AROUND ON THE GROUND! Comedy at its best! EVERYONE LAUGH!!! HAHAHA

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-29RO7NOoIg Now we get a close up of someone bleeding!!! WAHA! Let's ignore the fact the person needs stitches! Its funny!

So everyone! Let's all be the "civilized" and "sophisticated" people we are, and laugh at those worse off than us! HAH!

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