Apr 11, 2005 08:16
Red Light!
All this talk of the lack of US participation in the League of Nations is making me hungry.
We should all go to Sweden and eat waffles...or strudel...or whatever it is they make in Sweden.
Well, the lobsters are alive and well once more. Rather, all the dead ones were thrown away, and we got new, lives ones that appear to be thriving in their homey little tank. Dead lobsters depress me, I'm glad that this whole ordeal has worked itself out. There's nothing worse than the feeling you get when you're obligated to pick that poor little critter out of a murky-green tank, claws limp and dangling, eyes handing out of their sockets, shell disconnecting from their body, and throw them in the trash along with uneaten salads, emptied Sweet N' Low packets, and soggy coasters, like so much useless garbage. Poor Larry...poor, poor Larry.
Yay for German immigration! With it, my silly little anecdotes would be in Germanese, and you folks reading right now would have to do without my particular brand of tomfoolery.
A cockroach was found among the biscuits this weekend. Yuuum.
Green light!