On surveys.

Jul 17, 2005 21:17

Haven't filled one of these out in awhile.

******BASIC FACTS******

1. What time is it? 9:17 PM

2. Name as appears on birth certificate: Jonathan Matthew Chang, though my parents have yet to actually show me it.

3. Nickname(s): Jon, JJ, Prozac wayback when

4. Parents names: Barbara and Matthew Chang

5. Single or taken?: Taken and smitten.

6. Chinese zodiac: Rat. Born leaders, allegedly.

7. Hair color: Currently black, trying to decide on a new color before the start
of the school year.

8. Eye color: Brown

9. Height: 5'7.5" with the hair flat, 5'9" to 5'10" with the hair spiked up

10. Shoe size: 8.5

11. Glasses, contacts or neither?: Neither, though I envy those with glasses.
When I heard that the TV could ruin your eyesight, it just made me want to play video games more.

12. Braces?: Not anymore.

13. Piercing/tattoos?: I am sans mutilation.

14. Birthplace: Bethpage, NY

15. Current residence: Old Bethpage, NY

16. Siblings name and their ages: Amy, 30, and Sharon, 27.

******HAVE YOU EVER******
17. Gone skinny dipping?: Nope.

21. Skipped school?: I always claimed one sick day between February Break and Easter Break to take off because there were never any vacation days. So yeah.

22. Bungee jumped?: Nope.

23. Kissed someone not related to you?: I have.

24. Kissed someone of the same sex not related to you?: Heartily so.

25. Had a boyfriend/girlfriend? Still do, as a matter of fact.

26. Kissed?: See both 23 and 24.

27. TP'd someone's house?: Nope.

28. Won something?: Like, a contest with prizes? No. Awards? ...still no.

29. Asked someone out?: Yes. It was really quite awkward, the date that

30. Been rejected?: Back in 6th grade, but the past is the past.

31. Been in love?: :] Yupyup.

32. Been to a funeral?: Nope. The Chang family is fuckin' immortal.

33. Used a lighter? Just the kind to light the stove up with.

34. Been on stage?: Yeah. I've learned that I really do like the spotlight to be on me. Unless I'm like...y'know...nekkid.

35. Food: I used to nearly spooge every time I had an eggplant rollatini, but alas, such is not the case. This time, I think it's just whatever I can make myself without burning down the kitchen.

36. Ice cream flavor: Mint Chocolate Chip.

38. School subject(s): Orchestra/BC Calc (Cimaglia's the man!)

39. Breakfast cereal: Reeses Puffs or Cinnamon Toast Crunch. By the by, the new
Cookie Crisp mascot, as well as the taste, suck balls.

40. Number(s): 7

41. Book(s): Phantom Tollbooth and Trumpeter Swan.

42. Movies: Both Willy Wonka and Charlie (with the Chocolate Factory), You Got Served (I'm a fan of fun movies)

43. Candy: Sour Patch Watermelons, accept no imitations or substitutions.

44. Soda: The DP.

45. Color(s): Anything vibrant that you could spot on a rainbow. :]

46. Vacation spot: I haven't visited any place more than once, save for Taiwan and China which I didn't really enjoy too much. So I will say Kelowna, BC, for very good reasons.

47. Sport to watch on tv: Curling or Trick Pool.

48. Sport to play: Volleyball (though I lack skill), and Badminton.

49. Bands/musicians: There is nothing wrong with being pop and on the radio. It's just that when you lack talent and are popular, I have a problem with. Kelly Clarkson, you're cool. Gavin DeGraw, get the fuck out of the business. On that note, whatever comes my way through whatever media outlets. However, look for more Current Music moods from Saul Williams and VHS or Beta.

50. Letter(s): Capital J and lowercase g. I'm always trying to find new ways to draw them on my signature.

51. Fast food restaurant: Checkers, All-American

52. Cartoon character: Daria was a big proponent in shaping my high school persona, but now, I'd have to say...the little girl in the Rhapsody in Blue segment from Fantasia 2000. Also, for personal reasons.

53. Holiday: I feel like I'm almost Jehovah's Witness-esque for saying that I don't like holidays very much. I don't like celebrating them in the slightest. If you want to get a gift, then get a gift just because. Don't save it for some occassion. So impromptu celebrations are nice.

54. Name for a boy: Devon. I hear it's also becoming popular for girls too, though.

55. Name for a girl: See above.

******DO YOU PREFER******
I'm taking some of these out, because they don't offer too much insight into who I am. Which I'm guessing is the point of these surveys.


63. Doctor: 1) Sister. 2) Predeterminism. 3) Premeds. Filthy Filthy premeds.

64. Hedgehog: Sonic, of course.

65. School: Scholar. I wish that were still a viable career option. I could totally do that.

66. Grass: Lack of in Cleveland.

67. Cow: mooooOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooo

68. Canada: Eh? Ey?

69. Mouse: FMLA. It's what we named the mouse in my freshman dorm that I convinced Mike for a couple weeks was imaginary.

70. Hand: Lefty.

******THE PAST 48 HOURS, HAVE YOU******

71. Watched a movie?: 48...um...Yes! I have! Just watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and it's fabulous. You should go see it.

72. Talked on the phone?: Not for more than a few minutes. My throat has been getting hoarser and hoarser.

73. Cried?: Nope.

74. Threw up?: Nope.

75. Drank a glass of water?: I drank six bottles, two glasses, and cups of varying sizes throughout sirenfest and today.

76. Gone to the bathroom?: I have gone multiple times. My urine has never been so clear.

77. Read a book or magazine?: Nope. My mind has been rotting in the presence of Shadow Hearts: Covenant.

78. Watched tv?: Yup. Just saw the new Family Guy.

79. Looked in the mirror?: No day would be complete without it.

80. Taken a shower?: Yup.

81. Taken a picture?: Been part of, but not taken.

82. Listened to music?: Yesterday was full of it. Some mediocre bands, but the good ones were awesome. Woo!

83. Hugged or kissed someone?: Awkward man-hug with Dave, tootleloo hug to Nina.

84. Done your hw?: I've washed the dishes and am going to take out the garbage once I'm done with this. That's pretty homey.

85. Told someone you loved them?: I do every day.

***DO YOU BELIEVE IN....******

88. Aliens?: Given the vastness of space and probability, there's gotta be something.

89. Fun for the entire family?: Not if you're a second-gen Asian. Unless it's Jeopardy.

90. Freedom of speech?: Use it, but don't be a fuckin' moron about it.

91. Love?: I do now! :D Can I be any more sappy?

92. Magic?: In a young girl's heart, nananananananananana. Isn't that like a McDonalds slogan? If believing in magic = believing in McDonalds, then I kind of have to. To deny the existence of multi-national corporations is no way to treat a problem. =] teehee.

*******SOME RANDOM STUFF******

93. Last movie you saw in theaters?: Charlie and the Chocolate Factory.

94. Are you listening to music right now?: I lack mp3s on this computer.

95. What color shirt are you wearing?: Orange.
96. Do you like your middle name?: I'd choose something else if I was given the choice, but it's agreeable.

97. What is the best thing since sliced bread?: Satisfying any type of munchie with the proper snackfood. It's like pharamacology, but bad for you.

98. What color is your backpack? Used to be lemon yellow until the strap broke. Now, I have a new one that's olive green.

99. Are you gonna send this to your crush?: He'll find it.

100. Who is your crush?: My boyfriend = my crush.

101. What time is it now?: 10:02, but I took a break for Family Guy.
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