Aug 24, 2004 23:37
So it's been awhile since I've updated. I'm not sure who exactly keeps track of me through LJ and not through AIM or cell phone or what have you, but in case I haven't told you yet, this has been what's going down in the lovely city of Cleveland.
1) Move into the house is just absolutely fabulous. I have a nice comfy bed with my computer right next to me, and I find it to be very space efficient. In other words, I clutter rather easily, but I ALWAYS know where everything is. Granted, it has bothered my roommate just ever so slightly, but it's nothing so terrible. It's almost odd-couple ish.
2) Da roomie is fun. Mike is good and all, but me and Alex are just like wh0a. It's the whole "GET OUT OF MY HEAD YOU'RE FREAKING ME OUT" sort of mind set that we got. The triumverate of dumb-fucks: Me, Alison, and Alex.
3) Classes are what they are. I realize that I may not be as fucked for Structural Biology and P-Chem as previously thought, as I know more people in both classes than I did with orgo. Lab seems to be much more breezy than lecture last year.
4) Rush is working out marvelously (in my opinion). We got a whole slew of new folk that seem quite eager to join. It's cool. I enjoy thoroughly, though I'm not sure whether or not my role has expanded beyond inviting them in. Yeah, I'll admit that I did bring in a couple of people, but because I feel like I've spread myself out among too many, I don't have the chance to get to know too many of them. I may be gypping myself out of becoming a big brother. Alas, I shall fix this in the morrow, when Death Wings becomes MY show. wahahahhahahahahahah =)
5) No word on clubs yet. I think I've got some sort of trivia club meeting sometime soon, but not sure when. Skipped the first day of orchestra today (shocking, I know) to go see a Yankees game (even more shocking!). But they won, and the world was happy except for Level 12 drunk bitch behind us complaining about how close the Indians came to winning and blahdeeblahdeeblah.
ze end.