Jul 18, 2004 03:21
On an absoutley stellar day off from work today, I decided to live it up as much as I could. This morning, I had dim sum with the family in celebration of my dad's birthday. Granted, it wasn't Flushing dim sum (and I know that Chinatown is ideal, but I've really only experienced Flushing) but it was still good. I got my zong zi, but the service was pretty lousy. =\ I don't even think they tried to make the taro cakes, but such is restaurant life at the only non-take out Chinese food place in Plainview.
Side note: Morgo's Dynasty is not Chinese food. It is crap. Accept it.
Afterwards, I was just hanging out with Amy in my room, and that was nice. It's good when we have these nice conversations. Unfortunately for me, I think she may have stumbled onto my sexuality because she was cleaning out her room and well...let's just say I haven't cleaned it out. If you get my drift.
Which I hope you do, but that she doesn't read this. I don't think she does. It doesn't have a link in my profile anymore.
Though Dave and Cammy were late, I was equally as bad today. It took me nearly half an hour to get all the preparations done before we hit the road, and even then, I made a couple of wrong turns. But eventually, we got there and met everyone and had much fun. We disrupted harmony multiple times during spaz, chilled with the samosas, found out that fresh Jalapenos suck in terms of spicyness, and stared at the sky, as well as Cammy's cell phone. Shit, that thing is awesome.
Overall, I liked the concert but not as much as the last one. I think it may be because I was familiar with most of the pieces and they just didn't intrigue me as much as the one last year. The fireworks were still good, though I think I still hold my philosophy that I put in my last entry. Somewhere there abouts, anyhoo.
Though traffic was stuffy coming out of the parking lot, I think we made good time home. Dave's stomach was acting up, so a quick trip to Wal-Greens where he tasted the wonderful milk chalkiness of Tums. A drive back to Jason's to see his dogs, and they were off, though not without manwiching me. If Cammy were a man. It felt nice. =)
Finally rounded off the evening by starting (and clearly not finishing) a game of Munchkin with Chewy, Jason, and Sunny. Drove Chewy and Sunny back, and I got to know Chewy a little more, which is always nice. If he stayed in Plainview, we might have had that relationship that Grace and Nina had. It's a shame he didn't stay, but he's cool now in Syosset.
Which brings me to the point of this entry, aside from letting you know how good a time I had today. It's really nice talking to Chewy one on one. Even though he's all accomplished and what not, and basically going to go to whatever school he wants, he's still Chewy. Like...the little freshman with a bit of attitude that I've known and still picture in my head. Even if he's a senior, he's still going to leave that kind of imprint. So, in some sort of twisted manner, I feel like I'm not really so much a mentor, but an advisor of sorts to him.
It feels really good, like having a little brother who looks up to you. Or someone to confide in. Which gets me to my main point in this. I really would like to be a big brother to someone who will join Theta Chi. It's a very nice feeling, I admit, to be looked at somewhat respectfully, but still be able to see on the same level as. You know?