microsoft word costs a lot of money and i haven’t bothered to try and buy it from the school yet, so everytime i save my papers it asks me to spend money and it’s really irritating. i volunteered at an empty bowls benefit today with my ceramics class and discovered i can be a great saleswoman. i donated about thirty bowls, and even though i felt a little bad because i didn’t give away any that i really liked, they were all scooped up and bought and used right away. It was nice to walk around selling raffle tickets and see people admiring my bowls and eating soup out of them. i had chesnut yam soup with chevre and it was amazing.
i’ve been in the library all day since i got back, and am letting myself get really distracted far too often by articles on the presidential candidates and funny youtube videos.
i usually seem to write in livejournal when i am either upset or procrastinating, which means this organized record of various ramblings is somewhat skewed. when i am not sitting around in front of my computer screen, which is most of the time, the world is a much more colorful joyful place. really, it is.
i have a big ecology test in the morning and i hate tests and i am rembering how evergreen doesn’t give them. i am also loving ecology anyway, even though i am getting really tired of reading about it right now. im am admittedly crazy about my ecology of food class. we are doing experiments with honey bees and milkweed and visiting local farms and local restaurants, reading a collection of interesting articles, as well as books by micheal pollan and other great writers.
people who answer their cellphones in the library make me really angry. i give them all dirty looks on a regular basis before i am usually forced to relocate.