Title: Pieces Form The Whole
Pairing: Andrew/Jesse
Word Count: 527
Summary: What Jesse really appreciates is the way Andrew knows just what to do to bring him down.
A/N: Cause I love
This is the story Andrew is telling and yeah...this is just terrible I can't believe I'm even posting this. Title comes from the track from The Social Network soundtrack because I'm really original and stuff.
Jesse hates award shows. Not that he would ever openly admit it, because it would make him sound like ten different kinds of douchebag and he knows he already comes off as one in general. It’s just that there’s always all this red carpet bullshit and he has to push through interviews with pointless questions and more often than not he kind of comes off an asshole when he answers. Being socially awkward isn’t really all that endearing when you’re the one experiencing it.
Andrew, on the other hand, loves them. He loves getting dressed up in suits and walking the red carpet and charming the woman interviewing him. He always carries himself so well and comes off so sweet and endearing, which he is, and Jesse envies him for it. He envies the way Andrew isn’t the slightest bit bitter about not being nominated for an Oscar, that instead he throws all of his support behind Jesse one hundred percent.
And Jesse doesn’t really get heated over things, but Andrew not being nominated really pisses him off in ways he doesn’t think anyone will ever understand. He doesn’t know how the hell he, of all people, could have been nominated for an Oscar when so much of his performance was because of Andrew. When so much of the movie was because of Andrew.
It’s more than that though, Jesse thinks, because so much of him is because of Andrew now. It’s the way Andrew goes from adjusting his bowtie to resting his hands on Jesse’s shoulders and giving them a reassuring squeeze in one swift movement. How he leans down and whispers in Jesse’s ear that no matter what Jesse is a winner to him. How somehow he manages to make something as cheesy as that so touching instead.
What Jesse really appreciates is the way Andrew knows just what to do to bring him down. Because even though he has his head wrapped around the fact that he mostly definitely will not win he can’t help but feel incredibly anxious. And instead of trying to talk him up, or down, or give him some sort of inspirational speech, Andrew very vividly retells him through text message the story of his short gymnastics career, breaking it up so every thirty minutes Jesse gets another part of it. It’s just enough to calm his shaken nerves as (insert presenter’s name here) comes out on stage to announce the nominees for Best Male Actor.
Jesse’s phone vibrates just as his name is announced in the nominee reel. I have to say, though, the first time I ever did a back-flip was one of the greatest moments. It was kind of incredible. I felt superhuman for a second. I tried to carry on to achieve that again, but it takes a lot of work to feel superhuman. I always feel that way when I’m with you. And despite himself, a huge smile covers Jesse’s face just in time for the camera to pan for him. He might hate award shows, and he might be certain he’s going to lose, but he kind of feels superhuman himself right now.