Jun 14, 2006 15:11
I am in Aspen now, living the high life (literally - although the altitude hasn't bothered me this time around). I thought I would have a bootleg wireless connection in my place here again, but not this time. So I'm at Starbucks using my laptop. It's fine; I don't mind coming here every day or so to check my email an whatnot. I should be practicing anyways. I just like to check it first thing in the morning and also my online weather source, but whatever. I have cable so I can just watch Weather Channel!
I showed up at registration this morning at 9 am, 30 minutes before it opened and was given #95 in line. I guess 94 other people had the same idea as me! So I sat around until 1:40 waiting. I snuck into lunch and said hi to people, and regretted not bringing a book.
I'm reading Mists of Avalon right now. Have any of you ever read it? I really like it. I am interested in researching some Arthurian legend now and renting some History Channel documentaries from Netflix.
I need to practice and take a nap. Whew. I worked like a dog at Spoleto; I am going to be working equally as hard here but at least it's personal practice and not orchestral slavery.