May 18, 2009 00:44
It's been a real long time.
College made me realize that I had a lot of "friends" in high school, but didn't realize that out of 100 or 200 people, 7 or 8 of them will want to be my friend no matter what kind of effort I make. And I appreciate them.
I made a 2.5 my first year of college. Pretty shitty, but hey, that's just more room for improvement. I signed a 12 month lease for an apartment with Romen, Madden, and Batman. I'm pretty excited for that. They're good guys and if we've got problems, hopefully we'll talk about them.
Yesterday we went to the braves game with some of my best friends. I had 20 some odd people around me who are just good people, and good friends. I hope summer is just all kinds of that.
Speaking of summer.
Panama City--5-6 days
Home--10 days
PA--9 days
Home--12 days
Ohio--4-5 days
Home--6 days
Destin--8 days
Home--5 days
Canadia--8-10 days
Home--6 days
School starts...
Can you believe that? I'm at home for about 40 days this summer. I'm glad Canada's last though. That's gonna be an alsome way to end 2009.
Boston lost 2 game 7's this weekend, too by the way.
Talk to you in 5 or 6 months. Or when I meet a girl worth talking about. Because I document that for some reason.