During My Brief Departure...

Oct 27, 2007 20:28

 I haven't blogged in what feels like years! Within my absence of words, quite alot of things have happened.For one thing, I turned 18! I'm finally legal, now my lustful desires for older man can be satiated within legality.Kidding, Kidding. I'm a good girl, remember? Never touched a boy in my entire life. I have also experienced quite a boring and slightly uneventful summer. My Best Friends helped make it better, though. I've been navigating through the difficult world of dieting, and battling a teeny tiny case of anorexia. I have an incredibly low self esteem and an incredibly lower social life. Ughah.

Which brings me to my next topic. There is this boy in one of my classes who is excruciatingly handsome, but quite creepy, which makes him even more desirable. Not that I like him, or anything, but he has these chisled features that are just beautifully sculpted. If he didn't insist he was human, I'd guess he was a mix between Vampire and Werewolf. And you know I'm pretty blatant about my observations. What's on my mind comes out, regardless of what people might say. Oh! The creepy thing is,he stands behind people and breaths down on their necks, or just follows closely. He's pretty tall, so he has to slouch on some of his victims, and what's even stranger is that they don't notice half the time! He's also very violent, in a calm, authoritive way. I've seen him rough up a couple of guys, as a joke I suppose, but he claims he'd never hit a girl.I say claims, because just the other day I was diligantly doing my work when he lightly socked me in my ribs, shocked, my knuckes grazed the rough, splintery surface of the table and now I have a nasty gash, not only that, but I also received a bruise on my knee by similar circumstance. I guess he became more open after he found out I could tolerate the pain, and secretly enjoy it. I don't know the story behind this strange boy, but it would be interesting to find out.

Well, yesterday was my best friend Ninettes 60's Mod Party. It was the funnest ever.It was just us small group of girls, eating, talking and laughing. The backyard was beautifully made up to a very Andy Warhol silver schematic. I probably gained ten pounds after that night. haha.

Sometimes, I feel alone. I don't neccesarily want 'a special  person' in my life, but I guess it would be nice once in a while. I think my manic depressive tendancies make this an unattainable obstacle. Why do I have to be so fickle?I hate that. I get bored easily, and this is something I must surely come over. Ughah.

warhol, love, diet, 18, anorexia, vampyr, vampire

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