Happy New Year!
Well, it finally happened. I've almost totally forgotten about LJ. I spent the morning catching up on blogging posts, but I completely forgot to simply copy and paste the text here from my other blog. I know it's not that hard, and it's what I've been doing for a while...but I guess I've reached that point where it's just easier using one platform. I've been LJing since 1999 so this is kinda huge (for me) but I guess blogging platforms have come a long way since then.
PLEASE if any of you are blogging on wordpress or blogger or a space that I can add to my reader, I'd still love to keep up! Feel free to post the link in the comments, or email me at ashleymvaughn AT gmail DOT com
If you care to keep reading, you can find me here:
http://therealverticalhouse.com/blog/ ...and here:
http://ashleyblinks.tumblr.com/ It's been real fun livejournal...and I still love the hell out of you. Thanks for the years!