Window casings, kitties, wordpress, and a 'fuck you' to monsanto

Dec 31, 2009 00:30

Kitchen window before starting on the casings. While I loved being able to see the window weights, I wasn't excited to stand in front of the window and feel the freezing winds seeping in.

Here's a shot of the window weights. Before work started, we could only open a couple of windows in the kitchen, but now all of them are operable...both up and down. I didn't even realize that we could open our windows top down, but it's awesome!

I love how completed it makes the kitchen!

Maple (and Sadie, not pictured)) love the fact they can actually stand on a stoop! hehe I caught Maple mid meow

Amaryllis and Christmas Cactus blooms

So, a few weeks ago godaddy was having a 99 cent domain sale and so I jumped at snagging and I mainly so I could start a blog on wordpress. I transferred all of my lj posts to the new blog. While some of the formatting is awry, I'm glad to have all of this in multiple places. I still adore lj, but he ads! OMG the ads! I didn't really notice until I directed someone to my lj to show them an entry and I noticed how my page looks to folks who don't have an account and BLECH! It was wretched! So, I caved and got myself a wordpress too. I'll be copying all the entries I write here so it won't be like I'm leaving lj just yet. I need to find a few pictures that are somehow got lost on therealverticalhouse and I REALLY need to update it. Now that the casings are done, this is definitely a big reason to update...along with everything else we've done since May 15, 2008 (lol).

Andy and I are watching Food, Inc. and while I think the entire movie is good information and important for people to know, the one thing that literally angers me to tears is the evil corporation that is Monsanto. Being one of the first companies to buy the patent on LIFE (wtf?!) they now have dominated the seed market and are preventing farmers from saving their own seeds. It's absolutely appalling to know that they are making farmers destroy seeds that are generations old. Not to mention Monsanto people are saturated among our government and sitting in some of the highest positions regarding the FDA and other areas of health and safety. They are stopping us from knowing exactly what is in the foods on the grocery shelves and they restrict the stand-out against their products. This is not the first time I've heard this information about Monsanto, but it doesn't make it any less easier to listen to. It makes me sick watching the lives of these farmers get destroyed all for the growth and control of Monsanto. I suggest you watch this film or The Future of Food or King Corn or any documentary that tries to remove this veil that is covering our face. Or at least read up on Monsanto and become aware of what they are trying to do to our food supply. /rant

maple, kitchen, wordpress, o shag nasty, window casings, kitties, renovation

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