Sep 24, 2009 10:02

Hot damn I found it!!! Just in time! So be prepared for a slew of photos from:

Home made potato chips and a dinner that came mostly from our yard (we didn't catch the fish or grow the rice)...but we grew the okra and all the veggies sauteed with the rice!

That huge yellow fruit on our counter was a banana cantaloupe and it was DELICIOUS! Sadie loved it too!

My parents got that steamer trunk in Panama when they lived there. When I was little it housed my Barbies, and now a portion of our record collection. I love family heirlooms!

The view from our bedroom window...Clematis in full bloom!

DYSWWDT? (did you see what we did there? tried to mock the owls!) I just got those owl pieces at Dog Days of Summer, the Ardmore Tennessee outdoor flea market that is amazing.

We went to Ardmore on Labor Day (Andy's Birthday!) with David and was so much fun. I love hanging out with them and I'm glad we're staying with them in Memphis. Dog Days is a HUGE outdoor flea market. It started as a dog trading show, but has since expanded into selling anything from all sorts of animals to knicknacks to trees and plants, etc! It took about 3 hours to walk the whole thing.

These sweet bunnies were not for sale. A woman had just rescued the wild babies and was hand raising them since they were too young to be left alone. They were SO cute and I wanted a bunny all day long.

David and Ellis were telling us about this "patch of sunflowers" that we'd see on the drive up there. I had no idea it would be acres and acres of gorgeous sunflowers...but it was. And it was gorgeous! Stephanie and I are planning to come back to them and take photos. She'll take some of me and Andy (yay!) and I'll take some of her family...and it'll be Jasper's 6 month photos. And we'll take our "about us" photos for our site. Unless the rain has torn them down, of course. But yeah, sunflowers are her favorite flowers so I can't wait to see her face when she sees this!

After Ardmore we went to La Alemeda for margaritas (of course)! The staff sang to Andy after Josh drunkenly tried to lead the was pretty hilarious.

haha Josh passed out on the ride home.

This HUGE spider has taken up residence on our porch...well, actually she's basically screening it in for us. Her web starts in the four o'clocks at the base of the porch and spans all the way between two posts. I'm hoping the flies will all get caught in her web!!!

Monday night we had a porch party before heading up to the Thomas Function and Yussuf Jerusalem show at VooDoo Lounge. It was SUCH a great show! I'm excited to see both bands again tomorrow night at Gonerfest. Everyone (and their friends) that are in Yussuf Jerusalem are so nice. I love when bands are talented AND nice!

Travis and Nichole had a leftover Labor Day BBQ. It was a more relaxed evening than the previous mayhem that happened the night before.

That Marilyn Monroe picture makes me giggle every time! It looks like she's peeing on Hollywood!

Andy, David, Ellis and I all tried having one big yard sale at our house this past (rainy) weekend. We didn't even get to pull out anything from the garage! We had a porch full of stuff that we somewhat got rid of. Andy and I sold several pieces of furniture (thanks Kim!) to help fund our Gonerfest allowance so at least that worked out. After the "yard" sale we all went to Big Ed's for pizza and beer and it was awesome!

I love this kitty metal garden statue!

These raised beds are in the gardens of the Constitution Village downtown. We went to the Trade Day on the Square, which wrapped around the property of the Constitution Village. We found lots of neat decor pieces including these old spice jars that look like they came right from the pages of Harry Potter! I actually need to get together and photograph all my recent finds from various yard sales, flea markets, and the like because we've collected quite a few nifty pieces.

The Missoula Oblangata performed their original play The 50 Greatest Ladies and Gentlemen at The Flying Monkey. It was fantastic! I was really excited to run into Crash Boom Bang folks since we hadn't been together in months! It was great to catch up and to all realize we have the same itch (or spider bite?) to get back into things ourselves. So, here's hoping November will bring it!

Sadie and Maple

Porcharita rarely sleeps on our porch, but it's cute when she does!

whew. Now onto Gonerfest...when Justin gets here :)

house, maple, dog days, tennessee, ardmore, porch, huntsville, bbq, sunflowers, kitchen, andy's birthday, porcharita, birthday, sadie, kitties

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