Every time I open this wardrobe Maple will meow at me until I put her at the top. She'll dig herself a little burrow and snuggle up. She's done this
ever since she first saw it!
Sine we are unsure of Maple's origins, we don't really have a "birthday" for her...but I was looking back at
the first time we found her, and that little anniversary is next month!
Oh, Noodlehead! How you've brought us so much joy and happiness. And that even though you are now a cat, you are STILL so playful. In fact, right now you are playing fetch with me and your fuzzy blue ball. I'm amazed at how much energy you still have and the fact you still live up to your nickname of Noodlehead (she'll do this hilarious and fast head turn, back and forth, whenever she's playing with something, and it's like a floppy noodle!)