Everything Happens for a Reason...

Jun 09, 2008 10:36

So...we still haven't found our camera. I give up. And that's ok beeeeecause on Friday my dad surprised me with a brand new Olympus DSLR. I am beyond ecstatic. My grandmother (his mom) made an investment in our now-for-real-it's-going-to-happen photography business. We'll both be photographing under the name Vertical House since Andy and I are about to really push this creative baby we've made.

But yeah...Friday my dad and I made plans to take the claw foot tub to have it professionally sand blasted. He was supposed to be at my house around 10, but didn't show up until 11:30 or so because he went to get the camera. He said he was tired of watching ebay (I don't blame him...that can be so frustrating sometimes) and he was afraid we'd keep procrastinating and miss out on events.

He bought a kit, so we have the body, two lenses, and a flash. The plan is to get another camera body so we'll have both lenses in use at the same time. I'm super excited and I know my dad is too. Finally. While we were driving out to take the tub, he was reading the camera manual and was like a giddy schoolboy learning about all of the features.

I guess you should know that my dad is an outstanding photographer. He started just before high school, and when he was in HS, he was the only photo journalist at his school. He was in charge of the newspaper and yearbook. Photography got him into college where he minored in it, with a major in graphic design. Unfortunately, with the computer boom, his degree was rendered useless since he never jumped on the Adobe train. However, he still has his eye(s) and now he can put them to use again.

He made a comment about how he spent 15 years in the military, 15 years in the restaurant biz (my parents owned a bar/grille for about 7 years in Madison...after that, he just never really got out of the kitchen), and he has shit to show for it. But now he wants to spend the next 15+ years doing what he truly loves. I gave him the same "speech" as I did Andy about refusing to do anything else until you've tried to live your dream. I'm just glad my dad finally can.


This weekend was Bamalama Fest. It was so awesome! Hot, but awesome. We had the record store open the majority of the time, so unfortunately didn't get to see as many bands as we wanted to. But that's ok cause we did VERY well at the store, and we didn't have to pay to get into Bamamlama. Saturday, I also went to Laura's wedding (congrats again to her...so beautiful!) and then returned to the mill for the rest of Saturday's show. The Counterclock Wise played at Bandito Burrito during the break between the day and night show. That was super fun. Sunday was nice and relaxing compared to the other two days. The show didn't start until 6, so it wasn't nearly as hot. The Pine Hill Haints finished out the festival, and it was great to see them again. As always.

I'm still trying to learn all of the settings on this camera. Today I'll finally have time to read through the manual. Ok, onto some of the shots from the weekend!

The Counterclock Wise performs at Bandito Burrito

Ashley (middle) came down from Washington D.C. for Bamalama. It was great to see her again, although I still vote she moves back here. But I guess if you can escape this black hole called Huntsville, then maybe it's a good thing...hah.

The Pine Hill Haints

bamalamafest, friends, counterclock wise, pine hill haints

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