Title: Book Club at Wolfram & Hart
Summary: One day at work, Harmony tells her friends about a book she's read. A small nod to Buffy's first episode as well as Season 8. Set during Ats Season 5.
Characters: Angel, Fred, Harmony, Spike
Rating: PG
Word Count: 417
Warning: Some mild Twilight bashing. Please don't defriend me! :-)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Ask Joss Whedon and Fox.
“... and they're at the prom and she asks him to turn her and he, like, refuses. The end!” Harmony finished her speech and looked at her three listeners gleefully, expecting some kind of feedback.
“That's... a nice book you've read, Harmony,” Fred smiled uncertainly. “You said there will be a sequel?”
“What do you think?” Harmony asked, ignoring her completely, with her eyes set in Angel and Spike's direction who had been sitting there quietly for the past twenty minutes and now seemed strangely discouraged. The brunette dropped her shoulders, frowned in obvious disappointment and muttered something under her breath which only someone with excellent hearing could understand. It was good that she was in a room with three vampires.
“Well,” Harmony shrugged. “You're no-”
Fred quickly straightened up. “Bookworm? Smartie? Biggest nerd in the firm? I beg to differ!” She suddenly stopped and put on her gloomy face again. “Wait. That's it, right? I'm not cool enough to...”
“Vamp,” Harmony interrupted her. “I was gonna say vamp.”
“Oh.” Fred said simply, giving herself an additional duh look. Then she quickly turned to the vampires. “S-so, what do you think?”
They remained silent for a few more second with Angel eventually breaking off the silence.
“Um, I don't really think it's very well written...”
“Bollocks! Bloody tragedy that is.”
“Yeah, I was getting there, Spike. I mean, we... We don't sparkle!”
“I wouldn't mind if we did,” Harmony noted cheerfully.
“We so don't sparkle,” Spike vehemently took Angel's side. “And this Edward bloke? Or should I say Mr. Broods-A-Lot?”
“Yeah, totally,” Angel keenly agreed, while Spike, Harmony and Fred all at once looked at him sceptically, which made him quickly continue; for his own sake. “And being stalked really isn't a big turn-on for girls. I've heard,” he added when he realized this wasn't the best choice to make them stop staring.
Harmony finally decided to break off Angel's distress. “Yeah, like no one here has ever done that. Right, Blondie Bear?”
“Not to you, anyway,” Spike reacted irritably. “I, for one, have no intention to read this what's-its-name rubbish.”
“Twilight,” Harmony responded automatically, but the title made Spike dismissively grin even more.
“Twilight? What kind of ponce would fancy that?”
Angel appeared intrigued. “I don't know. I kinda like it.” Oh, the looks again. Why wouldn't he just shut up.