Indecisiveness, once again

Feb 12, 2010 21:22

Help me, my flist, you're my only hope!


help plz?

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Comments 8

orangerful February 12 2010, 21:16:44 UTC

I love BSG, but you'll get through Seeker faster since there's only a season and a half so far *crosses fingers that they pick it up for a third season* Then do BSG next. :D


thevera February 13 2010, 18:56:56 UTC
Okay dokey! :)


hyena_gal February 12 2010, 21:58:40 UTC
Hmm. Skins is great fun, but I've also been eyeing Ca - I mean Kahl - uh, LoTS recently. And there's always Merlin.


thevera February 13 2010, 18:58:21 UTC
Yeah, Merlin's been on my mind too.


sentine February 12 2010, 22:32:04 UTC
I love BSG - maybe you could try Caprica, the pre-quel to BSG - It's just starting, and so far, it's been excellent.


thevera February 13 2010, 19:01:59 UTC
Oh yeah! I've heard about Caprica, I just assumed it was a sequel. Thanks for the tip, I'll check it out. Plus, it has James and Jane E. :) (Your ants said it all, lol.)


endinginablaze February 13 2010, 02:21:27 UTC
I'm saying Skins because yay it's awesome that way. ♥ And YES. SKINS.

Admittedly I am thinking about getting starting with Seeker myself~


thevera February 13 2010, 19:04:20 UTC
Haha, since my flist is undecisive as well, I guess I'll have to go with both... and BSG as well. :D


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