Repeated occurrences of rule breaking will result in your removal from the game. While some flexibility is allowed when the circumstances call for it, these rules should not be ignored. They're mostly common sense things anyway.
--There are no gods in this RP, SO DON'T ACT LIKE ONE. You will be booted. This goes for power playing and godmoding.
--Activity is a MUST. This RP NEEEEEDS members who are active and STAY active for the sake of the story. When people get inactive, others may get stuck, the story just drags along, and it slowly dies. If you need a hiatus, let the mod know. Otherwise if you become inactive you will be left behind and eventually booted. I'm not asking you to post every single day (though I would love it), but only posting once a week is pretty sad. If you don't think you'll be active, then don't join!
--Originality is our friend. I want to see completely new and different characters! Don't rip off canon characters or any of the characters that are already in the RP. Variety is a good thing so make sure you read everyone's profiles before you create a character. Trust me. I'll know if you didn't. D:
--I've seen some amazing RP's completely ruined by cliques, so avoid forming them. ♥ We're here to have fun and write together as a group. Sure, your character might have a close friendship or something with another character, but that doesn't mean you should only interact with them all the time. It's bad for character development and some players start feeling isolated.
--While most journal posts will obviously be in first-person, the RP will be written in third-person. Nothing else, please.
--On the note of posts, they should also be in paragraph form. Please makes posts at least a good paragraph and avoid one-liners for threads in the IC community. There are rare occasions where one-liners are appropriate, but they're generally bleh.
--Much later on as the game progresses there is a chance your character could lose his or her life. While this is not necessarily "death", I feel like you should be aware of that possibility.
--Please be courteous to the other players. We don't need rude people in this RP doing stuff like bossing people around and just being overall jerks. We're all here to write and have fun, so let's enjoy ourselves AND BE NICE.
--The mod is here to help you! If you have a problem, pleeeease don't hesitate contact me about it right away. I'll do everything in my power to fix it, so don't feel you need to fix it all on your own. Sometimes that causes more problems than it repairs.
-- You may only apply for one persona user per time period. However, you are only allowed the second persona user after proving yourself an active player.
☛ F.A.Q.
If you have any questions outside of what has been listed, feel free to ask them! Just comment below and you will be answered. Easy-peasy, lemon-squeezy.
Does this have anything to do with any of the existing Persona games?
Definitely! While the plots and characters are original, this RP is about the Velvet Room and its formation. You can think of it as a prequel spin-off thing if you'd like.
Why is this set in America rather than Japan?
The Velvet Room and its denizens are not very Japanese. Granted, exceptions do exist, but your mod feels a location in America will work best for a number of reasons.
Do I need to know anything about the 1930's to apply?
I'm not asking anyone to be an expert and I will not bite your head off for minor slip ups now and then, but a basic knowledge will probably help you if you're applying for a character in this time period. Just a quick trip to wikipedia would serve you well. You might even find things that will help you build your character in the long run. You should already know the obvious stuff like lack of cellphones and blah, blah, blah.
Do I need to know anything about the Persona series to apply?
Same as the above, but I will say that a good understanding of the series will definitely help you.
Who's the main villain?
Your mom. You'll have to find that out!
Where is Igor?
AHAHA. All I can say is that he will appear in the game.
What about Philemon and Nyarlathotep?
They will appear toward the end of the game. Don't worry about them for now.
Wait... demons? What about shadows?
YEAH. Most of the "enemies" in the game will be demons like the ones that appeared in the first two installment of the Persona series. Unlike shadows, most of them can think and talk. Feel free to try conversing with them rather than just beating all of their heads in! They may be troublesome, but they can also be useful to the cast. Shadows will also make an appearance in the game, but on a much lesser scale. Their place in the game will be explained when that happens.
How do I form a social link with a character in another time period?
I urge you all to take advantage of the mail system that has been set up! Having this sort of connection with your partners in another timeline will be fun and crucial as the game progresses. There will also be points where they will be able to meet face-to-face, but that will not happen until toward the game's end.
Can I play (insert canon Persona character here)?
I'm going to put my foot down when I say no canon persona-users from the series. After all, in this RP it is assumed their experiences with persona-y stuff does not occur until the Velvet Room is created in-game here. This game will focus on original characters. If you can think of a really, really good role for one of the "minor" characters from the series and a really, really good reason as to why they'd be in the RP, then I will consider it. However, I wouldn't count on this. It is very unlikely I will accept one of these characters, but if you think you have an amazingly good idea then ask me first.
Can my character be related to (insert canon Persona character here)?
Pretty much the same deal as above. I wouldn't recommend it, but if you feel your idea is just that good then you can ask at least. Just don't expect me to say yes unless I feel it's appropriate.
Can I play a villain?
This will need to be discussed with me as well, but I'm more open to people playing villain-y characters. However, you'll need to know a few of the RP secrets, so I'm going to limit this to people who are already a member of the game in some way.
Can I play a god?
LOL, no. Your persona will probably be based on one, isn't that enough?
Can its be hugz tiem nows?
Alwayz. 8D *hugs*
If a tree falls in the woods, but no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?
They tend to scream louder than usual.
You can't think of any more real questions can you..?
No.... D: