(no subject)

Oct 29, 2012 00:03

WHO: Kieran, Theo
WHERE: Attic
WHEN: October 15th
WHY: It was bound to happen eventually
FORMAT: Paragraph, Letter

Well, Kieran managed to deal with what life had thrown at him so far.  The only loose end he had as of late was the attic.
The dreaded attic.
Walking up those stairs had unnerved him, and it took him a good five minutes or so before he convinced himself to try to push through the door.  Kieran had hoped it'd be locked and he could just say 'WELP, I TRIED.' and leave it at that.  But of course that couldn't be the case.  After all, he'd heard of others getting in here and leaving letters, talking to people from the past...  While Kieran had many issues with Lawrence, he trusted the guy's word.  He didn't doubt that this was a thing that was actually happening...  He just had to see this for himself.

Kieran slowly sneaked into the attic, weary of every creak and every shadow.  He B-lined straight for the rumored mailboxes.  He'd made a letter ahead of time, because hell if he was going to sit in this dusty room in silence and write.  Yeah, right.  However, he felt re-reading the letter as worth a try in case he had made any errors.

{ I'm Kieran Sfroza, Sophomore.  Adessi. Uh, year 2012.
And I'm dealing with some strange things.  Things that seem stranger than trying to send letters to the past.
I honestly just wanted to make first contact with someone.  And if I can learn anything in the process, great.
However, unless things have gotten out of control on your side, too, I don't know that the past can offer me much...

Regardless, if anyone has any more information on these Personae or Demons, contact me via this mailbox.
In case it was moved by another Persona user in my school, its the mailbox on the farthest right side.
Lately I've been reading up on occult and demonology, but its really not my strong suit.
I've also seen that Persona may be connected with the human psyche.  Again, not really my strong suit...  But I'm doing my best to gather information.

Also, if you are reading this as are in the same situation, I can offer very little other than my personal experience, but I'll do my best. }

Kieran felt foolish re-reading this nonsense.  Even after summoning persona and defeating demons and such, he still felt embarrassed that he was going about on such a lead.  He wouldn't feel any less stupid about it until he got a reply, he supposed.  Or, maybe he'd feel more stupid then, depending on the situation.  After all, that had already happened to him in the library once, hadn't it.  Kieran sighed and shrugged it off before folding the note and leaving it in the mailbox he'd indicated.  He'd come back and check on the mailbox after he got some lunch in him.

kieran, -october, !letter, theo

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