02: [Video/Action for the fight, Dark Hour]

Nov 24, 2011 02:40

[Two of someone? Again? It's someone you probably haven't seen before either, though the observant might notice that the suit worn by one of him exactly matches the sleeve from that weird post about the cufflinks from this morning. That one is currently facing away from the camera and looking out the window of what appears to be a low-floor room in the hotel. The other one has a suit of a similar but brighter color and a far fancier design, and appears to be starting the recording behind the first one's back -- not to mention that he's the one with the glowing gold eyes and chordal voice.]

Well, well, "Miles Edgeworth". We've been here for less than a day and already you wallow in denial.

[The one who was staring out the window, startled, spins to face the apparent Shadow. Apparently his normal eye color is a steely grey.] H-how did you enter this room?!

[The Shadow sports an evil, smug grin.] Locking oneself into a room does nothing to keep oneself out of it.

[The original looks down his nose at his double, crossing his arms.] When I last checked a mirror, my eyes weren't golden.

[The Shadow chuckles under his breath and shakes his head, clearly unfazed by his original's snark.] You speak of "your" eyes as though you treat them with any respect.

[This earns the Shadow a glare from the original.] Of course I respect them!

Do you? Then tell me, why have you disregarded evidence time and again?

[The original smacks a table he's standing next to with his palm.] OBJECTION! I haven't disregarded evidence since --

Since realizing that we're weighed down by the need for outside aid in unearthing the truth due to our own imperfection? [The Shadow waves his left finger in smug scolding, a gesture that prompts the original's eyes to widen in unease.]

Th-that isn't --

Please, "Miles". We may have accepted the need to force ourselves to trust certain people, but that doesn't mean that we don't resent that such a need exists.

You have no right to call me by that name!

On the contrary, I do for the same reason that no locked door can protect you from me -- I am you.

[The original recoils.] P-preposterous!

[The Shadow shrugs as he shakes his head again.] Hardly. I am a Shadow, the true self. But then, the truth is only of interest to us when it serves our purposes, Those purposes may have changed for the better, but this fact has not.

[This seems to deeply disturb the original; his eyes widen further and he takes a step backward. However, he then manages to reestablish his earlier glare.] Don't be absurd! I strive to uncover the truth behind every case that I handle, no matter the consequences, in tandem with others who would also use the law for its rightful purpose!

[The Shadow gives his original a predatory smirk.] And should that case be decided by the presence of supernatural elements, what then?

[The original grows pale.] Wh-what?...

Would the truth behind the murder at Hazakura Temple have been found had Wright failed to recover from his illness? Particularly once the victim's identity came to light? Why, we didn't even allow ourselves to accept the implications of the Psycholocks' existence.

H-how could anyone else but Wright -- er, anyone else at all know about --

[The Shadow continues to display that smug smirk.] Need I repeat myself? I am you. [He taps his temple.] I embody all that you deny about yourself, and know everything else that you deny as well. I even know that we refuse to reexamine our old cases for purely selfish reasons.

Impossible... [It's not clear anymore whether the original is trying to convince his Shadow or himself.]

[The Shadow chuckles darkly.] "Impossible"? I think not. Impossibility is merely the simplest answer -- the answer that prevents us from becoming a traitor to our father's memory.

[The original staggers further backward with gritted teeth, his cravat fluttering in his wake.] Wh-what?!...

Since the middle of that case, we've reacted to the very concept of the supernatural with resentment, have we not? We may at times cloak it with sarcasm, but the truth stands nonetheless. However, while we were able to delude ourselves into believing that the channelings we've seen were mere acts of showmanship, we couldn't ignore the Psycholocks, nor the impossibility of any solution to the case other than the one that Wright and Mr. Armando revealed. Hatred of the evidence was the only path left to us.

[The original suddenly turns away from his Shadow, looking in the opposite direction while grabbing hold of his arm.] N-no...

To deny the existence of the supernatural is to allow ourselves to continue to consider Misty Fey to be a mere charlatan despite all evidence to the contrary. To face it is to face the possibility that Father may have violated the very beliefs he lived by, post-mortem -- that he, in the end, was responsible for the events of the DL-6 trial!


[The Shadow points at the window behind the original accusingly.] We hate what we've seen out this window! We hate that I stand in this room! [He steps forward to slam the same table that his original did earlier.] Even were it entirely safe to investigate further, we wouldn't wish to do so --

C-cease speaking in the plural immediately!

-- for fear of obtaining further loathesome evidence, for the existence of the supernatural is a truth that we wish were untrue!

OBJECTION! I realized the folly of such selfish bias over a year ago! Ergo, it's impossible for you to be me!

[The Shadow turns slowly back to his original, his eyes blazing a brighter gold than ever.] GUILTY.

[And with that, the feed cuts out. Sounds of a struggle might be audible to those near room 212 of the hotel after that...]

miles edgeworth

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