CONTRACT |1| / [Action/Text]

Oct 18, 2011 07:12

[Lion had admittedly been harboring the feeling that something unusual would happen today. Randomly appearing in a place that wasn't even the least bit familiar wasn't exactly it.

The poor headphoned boy had ended up wandering for about... what was it? An hour? Two hours? Before finally giving up on the thought that he had taken a wrong turn somewhere. However he got here, it wasn't a place he'd ever seen before, and not a thing here was familiar, though he could sense some strange, foreboding feeling, like his gut was telling him there was something weird about this place.

Not that he had any idea what, and he had simply dropped onto the nearest thing that seemed even remotely like it could be sat on (what was that sign he had just passed? Felix's Finds? He didn't remember). However, a quick, unusual pressure against his leg made him dig into his pocket curiously, coming out with... a phone that certainly wasn't his. Had he been reversed pick-pocketed or something?

Curiosity had gotten the better of him, though, and a quick look through the phone offered some sort of conversation option, and it was better than wandering around like a lost rat in a maze, even if this idea seemed silly.]

Could someone tell me exactly where I am? I'm kind of... lost. [A pause, then a second text.] Atsuro, Yuzu, if you're here somewhere, let me know, okay?

tatsuma hiyuu, atsuro kihara, garviel loken

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