[Action; School]
[Tatsuma's got company today! And it's not even one of the Persona users. Looks like the guy's picked up a ladyfriend from school, because he's totally helping a girl carry a stack of books after classes, and we all know what that means.
...Unless it's because she's kind of a klutz. Because there's a high chance that while your character is around, they may spot a 10 point faceplant, complete with flailing arms and books flying in the air.
Come talk to the "couple"? Badger Tatsuma afterwards? Up to you!]
[Action; Shore]
[Some hours after school, Tatsuma can be seen checking out the shore. He doesn't get close enough to actually interfere with the bodies, but he will crouch down to check them out as best as he can.
Later arrivals may notice a small pile of rocks on which can be found a bundle of flowers, accompanied by a small package of strawberry-flavored snacks.]