Jan 01, 2012 00:42

[ Just before midnight strikes, a familiar face appears on the screen. I'm sure you guys haven't forgotten who this sexy yet horribly loud-mouthed and douchey guy is. And it's probably no surprised that he's once again drunk off his ass, cuddling with one of the infamous lion cubs kept housed in his condo. ]

Hee, hee, hee. Looks like these mongrels finally got the right idea about their so-called celebrations. Here's to another year of doing whatever the fuck we want, Ur-Nungal!

[ Yes, you are now witnessing the moest interaction between one of the most notorious men in Prospero with a lion cub. He can't really be all that bad, can he? They even share a kiss! ...Sort of. ]

It won't be long before I actually have to start letting you outside. I wonder how these mongrels will react, hm? You're very tame for what you're supposed to be, but I suppose that's how it should be in such a place. Arturia has taught you well.

Ah well, we'll worry about that when the time comes, won't we? Happy New Year.


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