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Feb 24, 2008 09:08

I saw the Pope by accident yesterday. My weekend guests were touring the Vatican Museums and I was waiting for them in Saint Peter's Piazza. Thousands of people were there listening to a group of school children sing Christian Pop songs. Huge speakers and video screens had been set up. I had a feeling all of the people hadn't come for the children's concert alone. There was an excited pulse within the crowd and suddenly the Pope came cruising into the piazza in his open-top jeep. His jeep wove around and into the crowd. People ran alongside. I saw one woman hold out her infant and one of the suited bodyguards took the baby and handed it to the Pope to bless. The baby hand-off happened in a matter of seconds. The Pope wore bright white and has pale skin and white hair. I wish he hadn't looked so old and small within the giant crowd but he did.
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