WHO: Eleanor, Theo
WHERE: Main academic building
WHEN: July 11th, 1934, afternoon
WHY: Because goshdarnit Theo wants some answers that he totally won't get. >:|
If there was one thing Theo was excellent at, it was not taking strange things gracefully.
Which was precisely why he had spent the last two days in a mood. Oh, and what a mood it was. Confusion had quickly been replaced by annoyance, replaced in turn by suspicion: the note he had found, pristine, in the dust-covered mailbox had sent his common sense reeling.
He hadn't had any luck tracking down the rest of the student cleaning crew from before (none of them were his year, and didn't share his only summer class), hadn't dared even think of the idea of tracking down Iseul (that crazy, crazy old woman) or harassing Locrine in the library of all places was just… straight out.
In fact, Theo had been perfectly content to stew over his annoyance at the whole cleaning mess in general - until he caught a fleeting glance of blonde curls belonging to that idiot's sister, in the flow of students heading out of the building to lunch. It was the first time he'd seen one of the upper classmen from his group anywhere near to approachable, and he didn't waste any time joining the crowd, intent on catching up to her.