WHO: Emi and Ama
WHERE: Room 303
WHEN: September 9th, 6PM-ish?
WHY: Roomie times are good for all!
Friday had been her birthday. Emi was usually parading around like she was royalty, but that day especially she had bragged about how she was going home for the weekend for a night out on the town with her parents. As soon as school had let out she was gone. And spending the weekend in New York was certainly refreshing after feeling as if she was surrounded by idiots all day. Her opinions were as unjustified as always, but she didn't really care.
Between seeing a musical and having a good dinner, her favorite moment was the imminent purchase of a new laptop. Her other had been giving her troubles and after two years she was due for a new one! This time she went with a piBook. No worries of obnoxious viruses? Why wouldn't she go for it? She couldn't wait to get back and show Ama. The travel back to the school had gone very pleasant with the computer by her side. She had never had more fun setting up a computer.
"The traffic is ridiculous this time of year!" She announced as she entered the room, small suitcase in hand and matching tote over shoulder. No hello and really the traffic hadn't been bad at all. Ama wouldn't need a greeting to get the message that she was back. She was there, wasn't she?