WHO: Betty Jo and Theo
WHERE: Some hallway after class :|b
WHEN: August 10, 1934, afternoon.
WHY: Because Theo clearly needs more torment in his life in the form of obnoxiously loud and cheerful girls. ♥
Betty Jo was not very good at avoiding people. She had a terrible tendency to forget whatever it was she was avoiding someone over, plus an overwhelming desire to go up and talk to just about anyone at any given moment. It was due to this that she completely forgot within just a few short days that she was trying not to talk to Theo alone. Being alone with Theo opened up the possibility for uncomfortable questions, and though the situation had to be defused slightly now that that insane car wasn't nearby, she still wasn't all that eager to hear them. Especially since she knew it had been fairly dumb to go out chasing that car all on her own. Luck aside, she could very well have been flattened had George the Chimera been even just a shade of a second later than he was.
But, lo and behold, the urgency of needing to know what in the world their entire math lesson had just been about drove any of that awkwardness completely out of her mind. (Seriously. Trig-o-what?)
Jogging a bit to keep up with his longer strides as they left the classroom, she peered up at him curiously. "Hey. Did you understand any of that? None of it made any dang sense to me."
Because, clearly, picking up conversations as if they've already been going for hours was the best way to break a few days' worth of silence.