WHO: 2012 Persona Users
WHERE: The Abaton Museum of National History.
WHEN: August 17th, 1934, around noon?
WHY: Reopened museum? That new paint is suspicious white! Monthly event time!
Despite all of the hard work she and the others did in search for historical proofs and answers, all trails seem to lead to dead ends. )
"We'll be caref..." He turned back around to stare at the mirror. "Ummmm. Something's moving, I think."
Djinn, still in its summoned state, left Lester's shoulder to hover above his head, surging with static energy. Hey! Listen! You! It's THERE!
Xochipilli, who'd been at full attention since they'd reached the third floor, was now puffing up aggressively, like a small bird trying to appear more menacing. His flowery lights appeared and began swirling madly, which Ezra knew meant it was reading the enemy, but this time he seemed to come up empty. With a chirp, Xochi looked to Ezra, who in turn frowned nervously.
"It's like... when I look for you guys, each of you is like a color on the map?" Unable to find the right words to describe it, he pushed on in his haste. "This one doesn't have any. Don't know what that means, but let's not give it any time to attack. Let it have it!" Behind him, Xochi began whirling again, ready to watch and analyze.
"Let's go, Djinn-fairy."
Drop it with the fairy! Hey!
He and Djinn hadn't done much together but this much he had managed to figure out. He felt a little tired after doing this, but what worked worked. Djinn had called it "Zio" at some point in time. It took a while to actually use the power, but when it did...
Djinn spun around Lester's head before freezing in place above him. A bolt of lightning struck the demon.
"Did that do anything?"
That didn't mean she wasn't really, really scared. Because she was. But she knew that she had to try something at the very least, do something, but she couldn't, she was weak, she was too scared ( ... )
"Thank you," she murmured, shifting toward her a little to let her know she was at least better.
Hopefully, it wouldn't come after her and Heather just then.
Sure, Amalia's experience with the supernatural seemed to be condensed to this year alone, and sure, even though she was a daredevil, she still had moments of doubt. But now wasn't the time for that. Smashing mirrors, avoiding being caught, herding this thing-- it all led to this.
... This... incredibly smelly piece of lodo. Great. Well, first things first. If a teammate was hurt, you distracted the opponent and drew its attention away so it didn't aim for a weak spot. That had always worked in the sports world, and Amalia was going to put her faith in the strategy now.
"Huitzilopochtli!!" In response to her call, the tiny hummingbird shimmered into existence and flapped his wings, calling forth a blast of wind to slam into the monster. Garu, right. "C'mere, you smelly lump! You're not getting 'em that easily!"
Their attacks seemed to be working, at least, but something was nagging at him. "Everything's been hurting it about the same amount so far. I don't know if it has any weaknesses."
Hey. You. I can do more than zap things! I told you! Remember?!
...That was right. He could make it more vulnerable, if only by a little. Tarunda.
As soon as the word crossed his mind, Djinn shot forward and spun around the monster a number of times before returning to hover above his head.
"Did that do anything?"
"C'mon, Lillian. Up you go!" said Rolf as he helped Lillian to her feet; the floor was no place where his friend should be, especially as battered as she was.
And then something surprising, but fortunate happened to it - a sudden surge of tingling energy filled it when the boy with glasses pointed at it. It gurgled and shook again, this time in triumph. It still felt like something was blocking its strength but the pain was gone and it felt tremendously revitalized.
A sound like a cross between a flapping tarp and a toilet backing up echoed throughout the area as it began to change form, this time molding itself into something long, thick, and roughly blade shaped with sharp edges. Its color shifted, too, but not to one any one color, just a psychedilic rainbow shimmer that pulsed down from its tip to trunk-like base connected to the
However, her hopes were quickly dropping when everyone began attacking. And then... Anthony cast a spell and it suddenly seemed better off than it was a second ago. Her nose wrinkled with disgust and she shot him a look. "You just healed it, stupid!" Giving a frustrated sigh, she finally dropped her arm when it changed form again.
"Otso!" Her moss covered bear was summoned. It growled at the blob threateningly and took a heavy swing at its base.
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