Argh, March sucks already.
I'm considering starting a Gay-Straight Alliance club next year. I'm not sure if I'll have time to make it a good club, though, since I'll (probably) be taking four AP classes and be part of NHS next year. And Crystal's already planning on starting her own club (for PAVA, a very Asian community service-oriented thing), so I might be an officer of that. I'll basically have no time for anything but school, much less writing. On the other hand, I don't think GSA is a whole lot of work, as far as clubs go--just weekly meetings to plan, maybe a couple fundraisers (to benefit organizations~ dedicated to the cause) and possibly something for Day of Silence. And it's not like I'd be doing it by myself, either. There's the teacher advisor (which might be my 8th grade geometry teacher, and he's cool) and my officers (who I fully expect to not care a whole lot). I'm still thinking about it.
A few years ago, my guitar teacher told me that high school was the last time in my life that I'd have a decent amount of free time. Hopefully he was lying.
My mom was in Paris last week. She brought me back a bag, shoes, and underwear (not as awkward as it sounds, promise). I love everything. I am wondering when I turned into a stereotypical girl. Anyway, she's already talking about what our next vacation (ie, two years from now) should be, and we semi agreed on Spain. She wants to go to either Madrid or Barcelona, or both. Since I'm the only one who knows even a shred of Spanish, I might get to pick. Yay! Research time.