Man, this bandwagon is bumpy.

Jan 10, 2010 01:13

Serious story time. It happens to eveyone at least once in their lifetime. having to let go of a serious belief. For some people it is Religion, and for others it has to do with relationships. Not me though. I always hoped I might be one of the luckey few that grow a third set of teeth. Just think of the pure profit in this, a full set of baby teeth to ransom to the tooth fairy, and then a second set of teeth just grow in. The though of those teeth falling out as well to make way for a third set is just pure bliss.
I have spent years dreaming of this senario. However, we don't always get what we want, and this is not really something I feel I can change the course of action for. I will have to hang my head in shame and come to grips with the fact that my adult teeth I have now will have to last me for years to come. Hence a rise in the percentage of days I have rememebred to floss my teeth.
For the first time in, well, ever I flossed two days in a row. Two whole days marked on my wall of battles vs plaugue and all that stuff.
I knew this feeling of bliss was not to last forever, because I forgot to floss yesteray, but I made a smashing comeback this morning with another round of blue mint tasting string stuff.
I was always to scared to say it, but I always had a awesome answer on the tip of my tougn at the dentist's. When asked "When was the last time you flosed" I would say, "I am not sure, but I am betting you were the person to do it". Which I am sure would have ben totally awesome. But alas I was always afraid of pissing off the person who sticks mechanical machines with drills and stuff in your mouth. Sometimes the best course of action is to take no course. Or be quite.


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