The Curious Case of Heartbreaking Agony

Jan 31, 2009 22:58

So this year, for some reason more than others, the movies that have been selected as Oscar picks have grabbed my interest. I've been making an effort to see the ones I desire, and in doing so, went to see The Reader, and The Wrestler today.

Both films I would recommend seeing. The Reader was incredibly complicated and delicate and harsh all at once. It really made you question law vs. morals, and where you stand when it comes to the lives of others, and yourself. Also, if Kate Winslet does not win best actress, there is something very wrong.

The Wrestler, is aptly titled, as someone who wrestles with losing what he loves. There are times that it was completely graphic, but it really gives you perspective of what those guys go/ went through. Also, makes you think. My heart ached, and I laughed, and I watched because I could do nothing else, but to watch.

The Curious Case of Benjamin Button.
I have never been so thoroughly heartbroken and depressed leaving a film in my life. Yes, it was a fantasy, it could never have happened, but regardless, this film completely ruined me. Cinematically, and special effects were absolutely stunning, and it was worth seeing once. But overall, it was so oppressively sad. To counter its effects I had to buy some whiskey, and cope that way. I'm not a heavy drinker, but that whiskey helped immensely. I hope it wins some special effects stuff, but that's it.

Doubt was absolutely engrossing. The acting was suburb on all accounts. I would really like to see the staged play, I think it would be interesting. The humor in this movie was profoundly subtle, but hilarious. Though, I don't think a lot of people got it. Good film, story, and acting. Well done.

And I did see Robert Downey jr. in Tropic Thunder. I have to say I'm impressed that the Academy threw a nod to him for such a ridiculously stupid movie. Though, to be fair, he was definitely one of the saving graces of the film. I do think Jack Black was hilarious in that one, he's been impressing me more and more, I hope he continues that trend. But, whatever, I'm glad to see R.D.Jr back on track. He's great.
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