Operation Clean

Apr 11, 2007 23:16

So i've been on a tear going through and trying desperately to organize somet hings that have been in my room since junior high. Yes, junior high. That's 10 years ago. Thus, the obvious thrust to part with what isn't that important or worth saving. Eventually this will make a lovely guest room for my parents and I want my shit significantly reduced.

Clothes and shoes permitted clearance as well as media (books, cds, dvds). Otherwise many things are at risk of being removed. My room had become the catch all for all the junk in my house, and as I see it, if it's not electronic and it isn't mine and I don't want it... It goes!

Went shopping today with Roz, a fun time. Otherwise, just been up to the usual brain numbing crap at work, swing dancing, and playing my bass clarinet in hopes of finding some true calling of mine along th way. I feel very much like I lack direction, but there doesn't seem to be a clear path in which my heart goes. Well, aside from performing... but that's never gonna happen. :: sigh :: reality really does bite.

<3 Rose
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