I am...

Jan 22, 2005 01:15

I added new pictures to my LJ, I hope everyone likes them. I have to go pee...so hang on just a second.


...finished peeing...lighting up a cigarette...inhale...exhale...focusing on what I want to say...

I hope the person I want to see the following is or will read this. It's a new song I am working on:

"You...are on my mind today.
What else...do I need to say...?
Every thought I'm thinking, there you are invading,
I'd rather be with you, but right now I'm just day...dreaming..."


Most of the time my songs are about someone, or something in particular. I like to make my songs pretty general, but specific and direct at the same time (anyone who read "1984" that is an example of "doublethink"). Thia song, "daydreaming" ...

..went and talked to Lacey about band names...either "dagnabit" (she liked) or something about "daydream/ing/ers"...

As I was saying...this song is actually about two people. One, I really care for although we are only friends. I guess I can say that. He's so busy though I never get to see him. And even when he is around I get so...speechless. I never know what to say. But, I think about all these romantic things I could do for him and that is really weird because I normally have to have the other person do romantic things or make the first move before I respond. The other person the song is about, I have mixed emotions for. What I've done with the him was just a physical thing but I fall in love and I gave myself up hoping that there would be something, but it was just a physical thing. I saw him last night and all he said was "hey" and then I was like...ugh. I really like both of them and I really wish I had a chance to see if things could work out, but I know for sure one of them won't ever happen and the other I pray does.

I don't know why I am so desperate to be in a relationship. A friend told me I would luck out and it would be unexpected. I think my problem is I am looking for a relationship and I get frustrated when I can't find one. I just really need to focus on doing my own thing right now and focus on taking care of my responsibilities. Hopefully, a relationship will find me. I also keep having dreams about meeting this really awesome guy that I build a really awesome relationship physically, emotionally, spiritually. It's sweet to wake up from something like that. In the past, things I dream about have come true, I'm just impatient and I can't wait for a relationship. I am so happy when I am in one though. I guess that happiness is what I am looking for.

...le sigh...

Well, I am moved in with Mike. I can now call Mike's home. As I was driving here with the last load of my belongings, I could feel there would be a big change. When I road the bus from Colorado to Georgia two years ago, I felt the same feeling. I knew there would be a big change. Life would get a little tough for a while but I would be alright. This feeling though was somewhat different. For some reason, I feel like I will be happier. I feel like I am doing the right thing, and better yet it is something that I have wanted to do for a while. I live downtown. Oh my...what a feeling. I know people who have lived here all their life seem to despise Athens, better yet have lived it up in Athens, get bored here, but I feel like I am about to enter I a new phase of my life...and I am. I am not living with any family members anymore. First my mom, then my dad, then my brother...and now I am living with friends and supporting myself entirely. I was when I was with my brother, but I was living with my brother. We aren't really close but I think I will miss him. I think I will miss my dad too because I won't see or speak to him as much. I guess that is life.

"Smile...when there is nothing to be glad about. Laugh...when there are things to cry about. Be strong...when everything seems to fall apart...everything will get better, I promise. everything will get better soon. everything will get better because I'm trying..." ~ idea for a new song.

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