"Are you okay?"

Jan 12, 2005 15:40

You've been hit by...you've been struck by...a smooth criminal. (dun-nuh-nuh-nuh, duh-nuh, duh-nuh, duh) Are you okay? Ohh...Are you okay? ~I love that song for some reason. Ahh! I love all the songs on my new MIX CD which Heidi and I made at her house last night. I also took her took Mikes and we were going to skip school tomorrow but I got up and made myself go to school. Glad I did because I'm actually starting to do what I am supposed to do. I have this huge term paper to due in like 4 weeks and I'm jumping on it.

IF...anyone wants to give me any possible tips or maybe a more specific direction let me explain what my paper is about. I have to write a critical analysis paper on a literary topic. Basically, I am reading 1984 for this quarter and I have to incorporate 1984, by George Orwell, into some sort of term paper. I am only on page 18 (I need to focus on finishing the book too, not just researching). The book seems to be about how totalitarianism governments will rule the world in the future or something along those lines. I had to turn in a working question based on our topic and my topic is the following: what threats of political tyranny are portrayed in George Orwell's 1984? I plan to relate all threats of tyranny in the book to actual totalitarian governments that have existed throughout the world past and present. I could get really engulfed in this topic, but I need to keep it simple and just stay focused. Mr. Brooks told me to limit my sources, but I want to find as many sources as I can so I will know my topic well so that I can write a kicking paper. I really need to do a good job not just for school but for myself. I can do this and I just need to keep that frame of mind up.

Today is a really good day for me. I've gotten alot accomplished and I had plenty of social time and plenty of work time. Now I got to go take care of other responsibilities(going to work). See you on the other side.

One quick question:


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