focus...distraction...back to focus

Dec 20, 2004 06:43

Ennnhhh! Hello all! I am listening to "the legend of zelda" soundtrack. It is awesome. I feel like saying CHA-CHA-CHA-CHA!

At work today, I swear I saw Ian. Heidi says that he is still in ketucky and so I guess not. He was wearing hunting clothes and so if it was it was the "str8" Ian. Speaking of Ian, that reminds of something Heidi told me about the side of a bed and also a former Ian who looked like an ex of mine.

Tonight was awesome! I was supposed to meet up with like a crew of fabulous people but only Heidi, Alex, and Karina rocked out to some Queer as Folk. Alex soon left and we rocked out some more to QUEER AS FOLK. I wish Caitlin would be here because QAF is the entire reason we "found" each other. I saw her Friday night though and that was great. But she's like an addiction, and I want more...more...more! I got to be "the voice that came from her neck". It was awesome. Went to a party that night too and had fun and gosh I love all my friends. BTW, Lacey, I don't think we could EVER get it on! Heidi and I thought about this together and we came up with such a conclusion. SORRY, but you are totally hot and always remember: When you are hot to me, honey, it's totally another level!

Heidi and I have stayed up all night. I think I talked her ear off, but she says it is cool. Sorry, again. I have pretty much talked about anything and everything. I am surprised that I have so much to say in this wonderful LiveJournal of mine. "This child of mine..." ~G&R

Anyways, I don't know where I come up with some of this stuff. Someone once told me that I was entertaining, like watching Jessica Simpson, he said. I didn't know whether that was a good thing or not and he said it wasn't a bad thing. Any opinions? (I think that is spelled right).

"Market" from the Soundtrack above is playing and it makes me want to go jig and dance. I am typing in the dark and for some reason I keep hitting all the wrong keys. Visual aids are important and do serve a purpose, students.

I feel like going on forever in this journal thing and help you waste more of your time reading about such a great moment in my life. Every single thought in my head is trying to come out into these hands of mine, but I just can not get them all out fast enough and so I am making more typos than ever. I was gonna make it look like a bunch of typos but I can't figure that out right now.

So my life for the following days: Got to go get ready for a Christmas Party at my work around 3pm. Then I guess I will go home and sleep and sleep and sleep. Vaccumm and kill my brother if the house is a mess. I cleaned the bathroom and even scrub the tub so that it is sparkling white and he let his dogs come in with muddy feet and there are foot prints all over the perfectly, once beautifully white tub! All my hardwork. I was upset, but I shall live one day. Anyways, after I have to go to jolly work (holiday spirit for ya) for four hours back to my house and Heidi's QAF party marathon shall continue at my country, somewhat homely cabode(?). I hope everyone shows up and Christopher said he wanted to make martini's and I hope he does. I told Megon that and she said that we could watch such a fabulous show and be classy at the same time. (Say that with a deep sexy smoker's voice). Love you megon. I hope you had fun at Cathleen's party *wink, wink*. Then I have to work on Wednesday for four hours so I don't know what will happen then. I need to go Christmas shopping on...anytime after the party is over and I have time. I think the best day to go would be Friday though. That is the only day I don't have to do anything, but it also extremely close to Christmas by like 24 hours! I might go before I go to work on Tuesday. That would probably be best but I wanted someone to come with me like Megon or Heidi. I got Heidi's presents figured out and so she won't worry about having to see what I get for her but when I get Megon one, I might have to ditch for a second or two. I also want to get Lacey something. And Christopher if you are reading this I also shall have something for you, but it might take until Christmas before I am finished with it. I forgetting anyone? Let's see Amelia, Caitlin, Gesso... I will try to find something for everyone and they might be late gifts, but please forgive me if I can't find the perfect gift or if I just straight can't afford to get everyone something. I love you and want to buy all of you the world. And as I have rambled on for forever...I think I will end this great night/morning on that.

To all a merry christmas!

[Suddenly Santa! (like suddenly susan)]

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