Apr 07, 2005 22:09
Tonight was the coffee house, and it was awesome. It was like a bajillion times better than the last one. Josh and his band were spot on with every song that they did, and Daniels band rocked as well, and it was cool to see Mr. Adams and Mr. Green play some older stuff, along with the new.
And the place was PACKED. This was possibly the largest turnout for any coffee house ever. I wish we could have another one before the year is over...oh well, at least we have the Talent Show to look forward to.
And I was wrong about that guy on Lost, the "him" that I said we would hadn't seen the last of. Evidently he is doing a movie in africa. It wasn't his decision to leave, though. They told him that he was going to die so he got another job.
This saddens me greatly. I almost cried. This is almost as bad as when Spike or Anya died in Buffy. But I must admit that if a TV show creator is able to put this sort of emotion into me by killing a character that has been around for less than a season, then hats off to him.
Lost is the best show on TV. If they show reruns after the show ends, you need to watch it, John. You liked Buffy, so you will like this. THERE IS HOPE FOR PRIME TIME TELEVISION! It's so awesome that a good drama has finally come along. And, like Buffy, it has that quirky sort of comedy that I love so much.
Speaking of Drama, the only other show on TV that I watch now is a medical drama called "House". It's unlike any other med drama ever made. It's actually hilarious, yet it's still a drama. You have to see it to understand.
"Nothing bad ever happens to me."