May 26, 2006 01:13
I'm listening to all of my acoustic versions of songs. So that's a great two songs, but I love them. Grand Theft Autumn by Fall Out Boy and Cute Without the E by Taking Back Sunday. <3
Anyways, I want to tell you about the lock in. Kate, if you are reading this, never mention it, especially around Michael.
My gawd, it was awesome. It started off and Michael sat next to me while 'Matt' was talking, and I made little comments at random moments and he thought I was hilarious. Yay.
Later, he was playing a video game and I was sitting behind him and we were listening to my CD player and because the headphones aren't the longest in the world, he had to lean back on me while we listened to Blink-182, so I was really happy. Then as a dare, I chewed his gum and Kate sent me a text that said 'You just wanted his spit'. Later, that turned out to be a bad text because of this...
He stole my cell phone and I had song lyrics under his name that obviously said that I like him. Trae helped me get it back from him and I deleted all of them before he was able to read them.
But later, he stole my cell phone again and I couldn't get it back from him. I was really nervous, so I went to see Kate and told her he had it. She said, "HE HAS YOUR PHONE?!" "Yeah, but he can't get anything, right?" "The texts!" "OMG!" I ran to try and get it back, but failed. I went back looking sad. She said, "He's going read through the texts, isn't he?" "Yeah..." So I sat there for about five minutes, then I went to see if he was done with it. He had given in to Trae and eventually, I managed to go up to him. He hugged me a lot and made me have hope.
When we were leaving, I went up to him and said, "Hey, I'm leaving," and hugged him. He hugged me back, and, *squee*, kissed me on top of my head, set his head on top of mine, and eventually let me go. I smiled big, grabbed my bookbag, and said, "I'll see you Wednesday." "Bye."
So I ish really happy, and now for a rant.
My ex, Ryan. OMG, he gets on my nerves so fucking badly. That bastard cheats on his girlfriend to fucking make out with me on a church bus and ask me out, knowing I'd fall straight into his trap. Before I fucking know it, his hand is down my fucking pants and I'm trying to just fucking get away before he can get fucking further and I eventually do but it still fucking scars me on the inside for so fucking long. Five days later, he fucking breaks up with me! How fucking great is that?! Then barely a fucking month later, he fucking tries it again! He starts fucking making out with me in the back of the same fucking church bus and before I know it, he's fucking on top of me and I'm just trying to fucking get out of it again! But no! The bastard has to keep fucking making out with me and fight with me. So after I eventually get away and know what? I still want to fucking go out with him because I'm such a fucking slut I guess. We hadn't talked or seen each other since the day before the fucking hurricane hit, and then at the lock in, guess who's hanging out with Michael? Fucking Ryan! The same fucking bastard who tried to fucking rape me and fucking cheated on someone to go out with me and fucking cheated on me! So eventually, I just have to fucking tell Michael that that's the same fucking Ryan who fucking cheated on me and all that other fucking shit! So he finally begins to understand why me and Ryan would make fucking eye contact and never say a fucking word. God dammit, I hate that fucking bastard. [/rant]
And just do you know, the Gaudet thing was a one night deal. I really missed him and such and I thought I liked him. But I <3 Michael. That is all.