Jun 02, 2005 23:17
A warrior takes pride in the skills he has honed in battle. My sword arm is strong, my blade sharp and true. I have fought many skirmishes, many battles, and felt pride as the men under my command and I won each and every one. There were long battles which progressed from day into night; but there is not a one that we did not win.
My proudest moment, then, is the defeat of the Saxon army that sought to ravage the shores of Orkney. They had landed in the dead of night, hoping through stealth to gain that which was not theirs - the land, the people, and the livestock. The planned to kill all who were not Saxon and make the Orkney’s their own. They wished to test the strength of the people of all of Britain through conquest of the outlying lands by stealth.
They landed, and the men under my command waited until they had disembarked. Once the armies were amassed upon the rocky beach, their boats were torched. As the Saxons strove to return to their vessels and save them, I gave the command to the archers, and they were assaulted with a fire of arrows. They fell dead in great numbers, but there will still those warriors who had not fallen. And then it was the charge, and my men and I swept down upon the beach and the confounded survivors of the arrow storms, and killed them to the last man.
That is the moment of which I am most proud - having defeated a large Saxon incursion into my homeland.