I wish to archive a story put up
by a poster going by 'Darth Tang' on RPGnet from 2003. It is well written and entirely creepy for a wide variety of reasons.
The above link does go to it, but it's on a section of RPGnet which is inaccessible without an account... although accounts are Entirely Free.
So here goes.
A Strange and Incomplete Tale, from Darth Tang. )
Consider: The entire premise of the internet archive organization's "wayback machine"
Legally, if he wanted to make some kind of copyright claim on it, I imagine he'd likely be within his rights, as the creator of a work is granted a de-facto automatic copyright on that work, and the mere act of publishing a copyrighted work in a publicly visible place does not diminish the copyright. Although it's worth noting that (at least here), you are expressly granted the right to make a private copy of a copyrighted work for personal use - and since the publication medium here was "free on the open internet", that would make him an authorized party, and permit making a personal copy (Warning: IANAL. Yes, that sounds dirty, but it's an acronym! SCIENCE!)
But insofar as being a good citizen about duplicating publicly posted content along the lines of blog posts or forum posts on the open internet, it's generally accepted that providing accreditation/citation/attribution and a link back to your source is the socially acceptable and polite thing to do.
If you were being legally exacting about it, excerpting with accreditation/citation/etc. would be the most solid way to go about it (as I'm pretty sure that excerpts of copyrighted works in this context are protected under fair use)
If Darth Tang asked, I'd pull it in a hot second for basic politeness-sake.
This is something I'd link to on Twitter... if again I could do that.
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