Hunter Legacy - 1.3

Nov 25, 2013 21:58


This is a long entry. I feel like I've been making my recent ones too short, then went a LOT longer with this one lol I was trying to get to a certain point in the game and stuff just KEPT HAPPENING

Nolan: "No one in this house ever comes to my shows! You could you know. Especially you. You love music!"

Topaz: "Yeah. MUSIC. I hear enough of your singing when you take a shower and it's not exactly music."

Nolan: "Emotional pain is the worst, Simone. Always remember that."
Simone: "Dah?"

She knows you're there, Nolan

Terri wanted a tattoo so! Lady bug. One that matches her c:

Oh good he's using his guitar in his shows now

Or not

Nolan: "Totally meant to do that."


....What are you doing here

Don't look at her Nolan
Focus on the pink haired man


Definitely looks like Nolan.
She rolled Over-Emotional, Excitable, and Computer Whiz

These kids need to stop taking after their dad

gtrjkdl ok this is ok

They had NO MONEY at all. I needed something.
And I put the money to good use. I built them a house. And be proud of me, I did it WITHOUT the blueprint tool. I did it all on my own
Which is why it looks like crud.
You still get a tour

I'll edit and add onto it as time goes on but I like it for a Gen 1 house C: good start yaaaaaay
Lots of space is my main concern.

And everyone got the things they wanted

Also it's SPOOY DAY and Nolan got invited to a costume party so, why not. I sent him.
What are you gonna be Nolan? A sexy Tiger? A Ninja? Pirate?

...........Of course


Of course, Nolan sold him a CD

Spy: "Did you see that Nolan Hunter was here?"
Tiger: "Yeah he's. . Odd."
Spy: "So hot though."
Dude: "So hot."

Long as he's got his looks

gnfrjkbdls trick or treat-ers came and this guy

Kept dropping his phone. He was there with a teen, they had the same last name so I assume brothers.

Simone: "Hi!"
Liam: "H-hi. . I'm Liam."
Simone: "I'm Simone. Wanna play?"

Liam: "Well uh. . My brother is leaving without me."
Simon: "We have candy. You can just stay here and eat, let me go ask my mom."

Liam: -waits-
Topaz: -Struts outside-

Topaz: "So. My sister likes your costume."
Liam: ". . Really? I like your sister, she's. . Nice. Pretty."
Topaz: "Yeah."

Topaz: "YOU'RE NOT."

She did this autonomously by the way

Liam: "What is WRONG with you!?"
Topaz: "I'll tell Simone you had to leave. Now GET."

And she didn't get in trouble or anything because these two were busy

This is why Terri is better than Pearl.

She actually likes Nolan's stupid antics

Nolan: "Well. We have a new house, I got promoted, you're a painter, we have three kids. ."
Terri: "Yeah. .?"

Nolan: "NOW will you marry me?"


And did a quick legacy wedding which I apparently took no photos of. Woops.

I didn't know they could do this together but CUTE
They were getting pluses

Can definitely see Nolan in them both, but differences too. I like the genetics this gen

Yes. I see you.

You've been a great crowd!

Are you ready?
Are you.

She rolled Loves the Cold
It's awesome because while she got Pearl's features, she doesn't look just like her. She got Nolan's look too definitely.

As seen here

Leo: (What is wrong with this woman)

She looooves the baby

Definitely related

And she found the guitar

Nolan: "Sugar, you gotta sell it. Like this."

Topaz: "Don't tell me how to do this."

Super sister

Romance on the mind? How come?

Liam: "You sure I can be here?"
Simone: "Of course you can. Why wouldn't you?"
Liam: "Well. ."

Come on in, Liam.

Topaz: "I got my eye on you."
Liam: -edges away-
Don't worry, a distraction is coming

In the form of SUPER CUTE BOY
Roy you're adorable

Roy: "Ah. I love the rain."

Topaz: "Me too! Though I wish it were snow. ."
Roy: "It's like a weather party!"

Topaz: "Heh. You're cute."
Roy: "Oh. Uh. Thank you."
Topaz: "No I mean. . You're very, very cute. . ."

Roy: ". . uh?"
Topaz: "Oh just kiss me."


This went on for a while

Then I had a weird break in pictures lol IT SNOWED THE NEXT MORNING THOUGH

Topaz: "Why are you being such a baby? I'm going to Prom with Roy, because he's my boyfriend, dad."
Nolan: "You're too young to have a boyfriend."
Topaz: "No I'm not!"
Nolan: "You can have a boyfriend when I'm dead."

Simone: "If you two would stop fighting, maybe you'd notice the cool snow rainbow. What do I know."

Topaz: ". . That IS pretty."
Nolan: "Oh, ignoring me now? Just like your mother. ."

Topaz: "You know what dad? That's low. I'm just as mad at her as you are!"

Topaz: "And for the record, you can't stop me from seeing Roy. I care about him and he's nice to me. Unlike YOU."

Nolan: "You're at least a good kid. Not out with BOYS."
Leo: ;D

Nolan: "Unlike some people."

Topaz may be on the phone with Roy, but for the record, that's a girl hanging out with Simone. So.

Hung up the Christmas lights C:


He rolled, Genius, Mean Spirited, Clumsy
Little punk

Now that the playpen is no longer needed, sold it, and bought a piano, which Topaz all but threw herself at

Leo: "YOU."
Nolan: ". . ?"
Leo: "You're such a DIVA."

Nolan: "Yes. I suppose I am."
Leo: "You really are."

I think Nolan is happy to have a boy to bond with
Just a thought

Family outing C: while the girls are in school, cause Leo got his birthday off, as it works in the Sim world




Leo: "What's wrong with you face?"
Leo. Be nice--

Moving on.. .

That face, I just

You're such a little shit

Uhm. Nolan? I'm pretty sure you wanted snowflakes painted on your face?
Those aren't snowflakes

His anger makes it better

No one will see it coming, Topaz

Saw Liam watching Nolan sing the next day, so I sent Simone to get him
Stop booing Nolan you jerk

Simone: (Why did I leave my computer? It's cold.)
Liam: (She's like artwork. . .)

Simone: "Wanna come over. . Who is that?"
Liam: "No one. Sure I'll come by!"
I think his name was Joey. And he just STAAAAAAAARED

Nolan: "Another friend of yours?"
Simone: "I know him from school, yes."
She didn't invite him over. He just showed up for some reason.

Liam: "Alex."
Alex: "Liam."

Simone: "Wanna come play with us?"
Alex: "With you? Of course!"
Liam: "Of course! -grumble- 8)"

Liam: "Think you're so cool with your stupid pink hair. . Stupid Alex."

Roy: "Ready for prom?"

Topaz: "This is my dress."
Roy: "It's beau-"
Topaz: "And now I'm changing out of it cause it's flipping cold."


...Young and...Sweet?

Simone: "Too bad Alex fell out of the tree and had to leave."
Liam: "Yes. Really, really too bad."



Oh. Nolan found the cake
Nolan: "I'll take all of them."
You get one.


And the the next morning (early Sunday morning) Liam just SHOWED UP
No one called him or anything
He just appeared
I think someone has a crush

Simone: "Hey! You wanna come inside?"
Liam: "Uhm. Can we play out here?"
Simon: "Oh. Sure, gimme just a second?"

Leo: "So. You're my sisters friend. ."
Liam: ". . ."

Simone: "Okay, here I come!"
Leo: "Saved. For now."
He literally had "BEAT UP" in his queue (I didnt' tell him to) and then Simone came back from peeing and he veered off LOL

Simone: "What did Leo want."
Liam: "Uhhh. . I. Don't know."

Liam: "This is so exciting! I love making things and you know what? I've never made a snowman before!"

Liam: "This is so awesome."
Simone: "Great, Liam, can you HELP me then?"

Leo: "I don't know what my sister sees in you. You're a disgrace."

Liam: ". . .N-no! I'm standing up for myself!"
Leo: "Really? Let's see what you can do then. I hear my older sister beat you up."
Liam: "I'm older than you."
Leo: "But can you beat me. . ."

Apparently not lol
He RAN out of the house

Leo: "Yes. Run little boy. . ."


Oh deat that nose bridge lol hopefully she grows into it
She's a female Nolan with different colored hair and eyes. Other than the nose bridge though, she's lovely

ALRIGHT DONE <3 maybe heir poll next time? If it's as long as this entry, definitely.

sims, hunter legacy

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