Mar 13, 2006 10:44
MMm... another good sinfest. This time about love. it's all like "what's love like... love is like... Fuck if i know what love is like... FUCK YOU LOVE! FUCK YOU. and then the pig comes on and is all like... "That's exactly like love is like". And so... i'm thinking... damn. He's right love is fucked up. I mean really really fucked up. I dunno... honestly it's the greatest source of aggravation in the world... well, that and notlove that's mistaken for love.
I had a talk with Chanda about selfishness last night. She apparantly believes that she's selfish just because she wants me there with her right this very second. I disagree... To be honest... i kinda want her to want me. It means she won't forget about me, and i know she'll care about me and write me, and everything else. Feeling loved is one of the greatest feelings in the world, and i want to enjoy that feeling for as long as i can.
Fox out
I'm your Scooter, Ride Me.