when will the survey madness end??

Jul 06, 2004 09:11

1.) First name: neil
2.) Middle name: Graham
3.) Last name: Black
4.) Where do you live: arizona
5.) Where were you born: arizona
6.) Your street: 83rd and Fairmount
7.) Your school: saguaro
8.) Your sign: Leo
9.) Do you believe in that astrology stuff: i guess
10.) Do you have a boy/girlfriend: yah...:)
11.) hair color: brown
12.) Eye color: brown
13.) Height: 5'9
14.) Weight: 160
15.) Origin: ??
22.) Do you drink: on occasion
23.) Do you smoke: nope
24.) Do you do drugs: nope- damn proud too
25.) What type of music do you listen to:punk and classic rock...oh yah and GRUNGE OF COURSE!!
28.) If you're a girl what kind of makeup do you use:
29.) What kind of shampoo and conditioner do you use: anything that my mom bought
30.) Is your hair short or long: medium
31.) Do you like to shop: if im not payin!
32.) What sports do you play: soccer!
33.) What are you most scared of: idk
37.) How many phones do you have in your house: 2
38.) How many TV's do you have in your house: 2
39.) How many of those TV's are working: 2
40.) Do you look like anyone famous: i dont think so
44.) Do you sleep on your stomach or side or back: all
45.) Do you sleep with stuffed animals: nope
46.) Do you sleep with the lights on or off: off
49.) What perfume/cologne do you wear: whatever i have at the time
50.) Do you have your own phone line: NO! not even a godamn cell!
51.) What's your phone number: if u dont know it then u dont need it!
52.) What is your favorite cereal: fruity pebbles!
53.) What brand of shoes do you wear: etnies
56.) What's your favorite soda: Pepsi
58.) Are you the serious or loud or happy or shy type: all of them!
59.) What kind of car do you want/have:any car that works and looks good
60.) Who is the coolest person you know: many people....
61.) Do you think you're weird or funny: both?
62.) Who is the ugliest person you know: no comment
63.) Are you popular: sure why not?
66.) If you could have 3 wishes what would they be: idk, you tell me!
67.) Where do you wanna get married: idk
68.) Who do you wanna marry: IDK
69.) What are your favorite girl names: ive always liked ashley or sarah
70.) What are your favorite guy names: idk
74.) Do you enjoy filling all this stuff: when bored...yes
75.) What is your favorite fast food restraunt: Jack in the box!
79.) Do you have a pool: no
80.) Do you have a spa: no
81.) Are you stupid: ya but so are 90% of all the other people i know...
84.) Do you like jewlery: i guess...
85.) Who do you wish you were: myself
86.) Who has it easier, boys or girls: boys DUH
88.) Do you like to dance: "Live as if you'll die tomorrow. Dance as if you'll die tonight." yah i like that quote, alicia
89.) Do you party a lot: not so much, id like to...
90.) Are you Online a lot: o0o0 yea
91.) Do you like playing pranks on people: HeLL YeA~!
93.) What's the craziest thing you have ever done: *lips sealed*
96.) What time is it: 9 in the AM
97.) How many people are on your buddy list: 130
103.) Do you sleep a lot: i try
104.) Are you a night or morning person: night person...
105.) Why do guys blame everything women do on PMS: cuz its true?
106.) Can you define love: not at this moment
108.) Do you shave: yea...
110.) Do you get along with your parents: on occasion yes
111.) Are you rich or poor or in the middle: in the middle
112.) How many bedrooms does your house have: 3
114.) Do you curse a lot: not as much as AMBER!! lol
115.) Is eastside or westside better: idk u tell me...
117.) Do you have an online crush: nope
118.) Are you tickelish: yah sometimes...only 1 person has figured out where though ;-)...lol weird....
120.) What does your room look like: very dull
123.) How many kids do you wanna have: 1 boy and 1 girl
124.) Do you believe in God: yes
125.) What religion are you: christian
126.) Have you ever cybered: nope
127.) Do you believe there is one person who is meant to be with another: there is one person for everyone...yes
128.) Do you believe in love at first sight: no
129.) What color tooth brush do you use: green
130.) How many times a day do you brush your teeth: two
131.) Who is your favorite cartoon character: gotta be bugs bunny!
132.) Do you have a job: not yet...applied for places...
124.) What's your favorite fruit: Peaches!
135.) What's your favorite vegitable: carrots
136.) what was the worst day of your life: dont wanna remember it
137.) What was the best day of your life: theres been a couple..
138.) Are you a bitch/asshole: i dont think i am...ive been called it before though...
141.) Do you wear body spray: not really
143.) Do you have AOL 4.0: AOL IS CREATED BY A PEDOFILE!!!!!
144.) Who is the sweetest girl: ;-) she knows.....
145.) Who is the sweetest guy: i have NO CLUE...that questions a bit faggish
146.) Are you wearing nail polish now: nope
147.) How many rings do you have on now: nada
148.) How many rings or necklaces do u own: none
149.) Do you wear braces or a retainer:nope
150.) What's your favorite toothpaste and mouth: crest
151.) Do you floss: yea sometimes
152.) Are you tired: kinda sorta
153.) Do you have any scars: yea
154.) Have you ever cried over someone of the opposite sex: yes
155.) Do you like lollypops: of course
156.) What are you thinking about right now: sleep!
159.) Who makes you laugh a lot: my friends
160.) Who's your favorite teacher: hmm id have to go with Mr. T...I PITY DA FOOL!
161.) Do you have your licence: not yet
162.) How many pillows do you sleep with: 2
163.) What's your GPA: 2.5....I TOLD YA I WAS STUPID!
164.) What's the worst nightmare you ever had: dont remember it was a long time ago
165.) What's a deep secret that you could tell: it wouldnt be a deep secret if i told!
166.) Have u ever commited a crime that u were charged with: no
167.) Did you notice that earlier on the numbering was really messed up? no i didnt notice
168.) Are you tired of filling this out yet: not really
169.) Was this survey long: not as long as the last one
170.) the logest ever: u spelt lonGest wrong....:-P
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